而据《纽约邮报》(New York Post) 报道,就在这起枪击案发生前不久,美国丹尼尔防务公司被曝曾在社交媒体上发布广告,用儿童当模特推销步枪。
图源:New York Post报道截图
The manufacturer of an AR-15-style assault rifle that Salvador Ramos used to kill 19 kids and two teachers has been slammed for posting an online ad featuring a toddler clutching a similar weapon just days before the massacre.
图源:推特@Daniel Defense
Georgia-based Daniel Defense, which manufacturers the gun used in the Uvalde mass shooting where 21 people died, posted an ad on Twitter on 16 May showing a toddler holding a rifle, with the caption: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
The company has locked its Twitter account, limited comments on its Facebook page and pulled out of National Rifle Association conference in Houston on May 27.
Meanwhile, a spokesman for Daniel Defense told CNN that the company will not take part in this weekend’s NRA meeting in Houston.
“Daniel Defense is not attending the National Rifle Association (‘NRA’) meeting due to the horrifying tragedy in Uvalde, Texas where one of our products was criminally misused,” Steve Reed told the network.
“We believe this week is not the appropriate time to be promoting our products in Texas at the NRA meeting,” he added.
综合来源:央视财经 环球时报 观察者网 New York Post The Guardian