



图源:@美国驻华大使馆 微博

In a post on Weibo, the US embassy accused Russian state-controlled media of spreading disinformation about Russia-Ukraine conflict. The US embassy also claimed the Kremlin is "intensifying its crackdown on independent media" to prevent "the truth" from reaching the Russian public.

3月17日,俄罗斯驻华大使馆微博账号转发了美国驻华大使馆这则帖子,并回应称,“美国、加拿大、欧盟已经将@今日俄罗斯RT 从广播网络中删除,Apple和Google禁止下载RT 和@俄罗斯卫星通讯社 的应用程序,而YouTube则在全世界封锁了俄罗斯媒体的频道。西方针对俄罗斯媒体的打击并不是现在开始的,而是已经持续了若干年。关于言论自由、关于人们获得信息的自由,你们还有什么可说的?”

图源:@俄罗斯驻华大使馆 微博

"The US, Canada and the Europe Union have removed Russia Today (RT) from their broadcast network. Apple and Google have banned users from downloading apps of RT and Sputnik News Agency, and YouTube blocked channels of Russian media around the world," the Russian embassy pointed out in a post on Weibo on Thursday, forwarding a post of the US Embassy in China a day before.

"The West's suppression of Russian media did not just start now. It has lasted years. What do they have to say about freedom of speech and free access to information?" the Russian embassy asked.


图源:@法国驻华大使馆 官微

A post from the French Embassy's official Weibo account on Tuesday quoted Lu Xun, a well-known anti-imperialist Chinese writer, as saying that "lies written in ink can never disguise facts written in blood."


网友表示,鲁迅的这句名言写于“三一八惨案”的时代背景之下。1926年3月18日 三一八惨案发生。当时,法国等八国向北洋政府以维护《辛丑条约》为借口,发出撤出大沽口防务的最后通牒,约有数千人请愿抗议,结果遭北洋政府屠杀,酿成“三一八惨案”。


The comment drew backlash among netizens, given the historical background of Lu Xun's quote - the March 18 massacre, a tragedy in which Chinese civilians were killed and injured opposing the ultimatum from the eight nations to invade China amid an anti-imperialist demonstration. 

As one of the participants in the ultimatum from the eight nations, France also played a disgraceful role in the imperialist exploitation of China.


综合来源:微博 参考消息 环球时报 观察者网

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