

据《今日美国》(USA Today)报道,针对亚裔的仇恨事件增多的情况,著名的娃娃制造商“美国女孩”公司近日宣布了该公司史上第一个亚裔“年度女孩”——科琳·谭。
图源:USA Today 报道截图


American Girl has unveiled its first Chinese American "Girl of the Year" in an effort to address challenges children may face amid a sharp rise in anti-Asian hate incidents exacerbated by the pandemic, the company said. 

The Mattel-owned company announced last week that its 2022 doll is named Corinne Tan, who is an avid skier from Colorado and is adjusting to changes after her parents' divorce.

She's proud of her heritage and is trying to find "courage to speak up when faced with xenophobic comments," like being told she has "Kung flu," a racist reference to COVID-19, according to a statement from the company.

Her backstory, like many "Girl of the Year" dolls, is timely: Reports of racist remarks and deadly violence against Asian and Asian Americans increased dramatically as the coronavirus began spreading across the nation in March 2020 and some people, including former US President Donald Trump, blamed China for the pandemic.


图源:AmericanGirl 网站截图

Development of the doll's backstory started in early 2020, but as the pandemic began to spread the company decided to address what girls like Corinne might experience, including the rise in anti-Asian sentiment, by working with experts and advisers who weighed in on the authenticity and accuracy of key products, the company said in a statement to USA TODAY.

作家Wendy Wan-Long Shang参与了科琳的角色创作。

图源:AmericanGirl 网站截图


Author Wendy Wan-Long Shang was among those who helped craft the character.

“What I really hope is that there is some part of Corinne’s story that makes readers feel seen, whether it’s because they are Asian American, or because they’re part of a blended family, or because they love skiing," Shang said in a statement. "I think when readers feel seen, they realize that they matter and their experiences matter, and that they are meant to be the stars of their own stories!”

综合来源:USA Today American Girl官网 中国日报网英语点津

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