

被不少剧迷称为“神剧”的《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)已经在2019年大结局。但这部剧的结束并不是该该系列题材的完结,据好莱坞权威杂志《Variety》报道,“权游”前传电视剧已经安排上了!

“HBO正在对《权力的游戏》前传《邓肯与伊戈》(Tales of Dunk and Egg)进行早期筹备。”

A TV adaptation of George R. R. Martin's Tales of Dunk and Egg, a prequel to the events of Game of Thrones 'is in early development at HBO,' according to Variety. 

Like his best-selling book series A Song of Ice and Fire, which was brought to screen by the cast of Game of Thrones from 2011 to 2019, the 72-year-old American novelist has reportedly struck another deal with the network. 


The one-hour show would be based on the series of fantasy novellas by George R. R. Martin, which follow the adventures of Ser Duncan the Tall (Dunk) and a young Aegon V Targaryen (Egg) 90 years prior to the events of “A Song of Ice and Fire.”

目前,马丁共出版了三部关于该系列的小说:1998年的《雇佣骑士》(The Hedge Knight)、2003年的《誓言之剑》(The Sworn Sword),以及2010年的《神秘骑士》(The Mystery Knight)。2015年,这三部小说被编成合集,以《七国骑士》(A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms)的名称再次出版。

图源:Daily Mail报道截图

Martin has published three novellas in the “Tales of Dunk and Egg” series to date: “The Hedge Knight” in 1998, “The Sworn Sword” in 2003, and “The Mystery Knight” in 2010. The three novellas were then collected and published together as “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” in 2015.

据悉,该剧也是HBO打造的“权游”系列第二部前传剧。HBO目前正在筹备将于2022年开播的《龙之家族》 (House of the Dragon) 。这部电视剧的时间背景是在《权力的游戏》剧情的300年之前。坦格利安王朝中期时发生的一次内战““魔龙的狂舞”(Dance of Dragons) 将会成为该剧的一场重头戏。
图源:Daily Mail报道截图

Should the project go to series, it would be the second “Game of Thrones” prequel to make it to screen. The network is currently prepping the series “House of the Dragon,” which is slated to debut in 2022. That show will document the buildup to the Targaryen civil war in Westeros that is known as the Dance of Dragons.


综合来源:Variety Daily Mail

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