



As college students begin their fall semester, all 50 states have now reported positive cases of Covid-19 at colleges and universities. 

This represents more than 37,000 cases of Covid-19 among students and staff at colleges and universities across the country. 


图源:NBC News报道截图


图源:New York Post报道截图



The Columbia Fire Department said it broke up the massive bash after receiving calls from concerned neighbors, The State reported.

The pool at The Apartments at Palmetto Compress was packed with revelers, who also crowded the side of the swimming area and even stood on top of the pool house, Fire Chief Aubrey Jenkins said.


No one was practicing social distancing or wearing a mask, Jenkins said, “but there was lots of drinking going on.”

When officials ordered the party-goers to scram, the chief said, he was shocked that one person told him, “I can’t catch COVID. I’m immune to the stuff.”


图源:Fox News 报道截图

Even without the raging pandemic, “there still would have been too many people in the pool,” Jenkins said.

Jenkins said he would recommend keeping the pool shut for the foreseeable future as a safety precaution during the virus outbreak.


USC said it was glad that authorities had busted the pool party.

“We’ve done a lot of outreach to try and get the students to do the right thing,” spokesman Jeff Stensland said. “Just because a pool is there, you don’t have to swim in it.”


The University of South Carolina has "engaged with management teams at private off-campus apartment complexes for months to educate them on safe public health standards," a university spokesperson told Fox News.

"Unfortunately, some have not yet taken the necessary steps to slow the spread of coronavirus amongst their tenants," the spokesperson said in a statement. 

当地市长史蒂夫·本杰明 (Steve Benjamin) 在接受电视采访时表示,自己在获知这一消息后相当愤怒。他表示,该市有着明确的防疫规定,要求大家保持距离、戴好口罩。


“I was furious,” Columbia Mayor Steve Benjamin said during an interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” of getting a call about the pool party from Columbia Fire Chief Aubrey Jenkins. “Our rules are very clear. ... We can enforce the governor’s executive order on spacing and we also have a mask ordinance.”

综合来源:CNN NBC Fox News The State New York Post

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