



The United States is not discussing joint nuclear exercises with South Korea, US President Joe Biden said on Monday, contradicting remarks by his South Korean counterpart.


路透社称,当时拜登与美国国家安全顾问沙利文结束休假返程,有记者提问他是否正与韩国讨论共同核演习(joint nuclear exercises)事项,根据白宫官方的记录,拜登只是回答了No。

"No," Biden said when asked by reporters at the White House if he was currently discussing joint nuclear exercises with South Korea. He had just returned from a vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands, where he was accompanied by his national security adviser, Jake Sullivan.



The Chosun Ilbo newspaper quoted Yoon as saying the joint planning and exercises would be aimed at a more effective implementation of the U.S. "extended deterrence" and that Washington was also "quite positive" about the idea.

针对媒体对于拜登说“NO”的报道,美联社称这一说法引发了韩国“短暂的骚动(a brief stir)”。韩方则发表声明,重新确认了尹锡悦此前的表态。

据韩联社报道,1月3日,韩国总统办公室(总统室)公报首席秘书金恩慧表示说,媒体记者断章取义只问是否与韩国讨论核演习,拜登只能作出否定回答。联合核演习(Joint nuclear exercise)是只能用在拥核国家之间的术语。这可被解读为韩国不拥核,不宜使用核演习一词。

After Biden’s comments created a brief stir in South Korea, Yoon’s top adviser for press affairs, Kim Eun-hye, issued a statement Tuesday to reconfirm Yoon’s earlier remarks.

Kim Eun-hye said Biden likely answered "no" because a reporter tersely asked him about nuclear exercises without providing any background information. Joint nuclear exercise is a term used between nuclear powers.




Some observers say Yoon’s comments to the Chosun Ilbo newspaper didn’t reveal much new development on the issue. Yoon’s office didn’t provide many details about his government’s discussion with the United States. South Korea has no nuclear weapons and is under the protection of a U.S. “nuclear umbrella,” which guarantees a devastating American response in the event of an attack on its ally. But some experts question the effectiveness of such a security commitment, saying the decision to use U.S. nuclear weapons lies with the U.S. president.


韩联社报道称,核武器使用的联合规划(Joint Planning)与联合演训(Joint Exercise)是韩美两国防长去年11月在美国举行的第54次韩美安保会议上达成的协议。目前尚未得知拜登回答的No具体所指。韩国国防部3日表示,韩美正在紧密合作的基础上商讨加强延伸威慑合作的多种方案。




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