





In the Oscar-winning movie 12 Years a Slave, Benedict Cumberbatch played a plantation owner to great critical acclaim. It was also close to the bone, his ancestors having run a slave plantation in Barbados during the 18th and 19th centuries.


Now, the Cumberbatch clan faces the prospect of a legal battle with the island state after it declared it was seeking reparations from the families of slave owners.

*close to the bone:剑桥词典的解释为“If something you say or write is close to the bone, it is close to the truth in a way that might offend some people.(如果说出来或写出来的东西 close to the bone,即可能很贴近事实而冒犯到某些人。”



The seventh great-grandfather of the Oscar-nominated star bought the Cleland plantation in the north of the island in 1728 that was home to 250 slaves until the abolition of slavery more than 100 years later. The slave plantation is reported to have made the Cumberbatch family a small fortune.

那么康伯巴奇家族的后人需要被追偿吗?巴巴多斯的加勒比共同体大使、也是该国赔款事务相关负责人David Comissiong在回答这个问题时说:“这是最初阶段,我们刚开始,这段历史的很多情况才刚刚被揭露出来。”

When asked if descendants of the Cumberbatch estate would be pursued, David Comissiong, Barbadoss ambassador to the Caribbean community and deputy chairman of the islands national commission on reparations, said: This is at the earliest stages. We are just beginning. A lot of this history is only really now coming to light.


Cumberbatch’s ancestors were paid thousands of pounds in compensation when slavery was abolished in the 1830s, a sum now worth in the region of £1 million. The British government at the time took out a loan to pay off slave owners across the Empire, a sum that was only finally paid off in 2015.

据英媒报道,“卷福”本人曾在哈罗公学上学,目前尚不清楚其家族的钱财是否对他的学业有帮助。作为女演员Wanda Ventham的儿子,“卷福”自己曾表示,母亲不鼓励他在演艺生涯中使用真实姓名,担心其家族与奴隶制的关系会让儿子面临赔偿问题。

It is unclear if the family money helped Cumberbatch, who was educated at Harrow School. He is the son of the actress Wanda Ventham, who, he said, had encouraged him not to use his real name in his acting career because she was concerned that he could face claims for reparations over family links to slavery.



The 2012 film 12 Years Slave is based on the 1853 memory of the same name by the former slave Solomon Northup, who was at one time owned by the plantation owner William Ford, a historical figure represented on screen by Cumberbatch.



Cumberbatch has also previously played William Pitt the Younger in the film Amazing Grace, about Britain's abolition of the slave trade in 1807, a role the actor has suggested he took by way of apology for his family history.



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