据央视新闻报道,9月5日,国家计算机病毒应急处理中心和360公司分别发布了关于西北工业大学遭受境外网络攻击的调查报告,调查发现,美国国家安全局(National Security Agency, NSA)下属的“特定入侵行动办公室(Office of Tailored Access Operation, TAO)”多年来对我国国内的网络目标实施了上万次的恶意网络攻击,控制了相关网络设备,疑似窃取了高价值数据。
The National Security Agency of the United States is responsible for the cyberattack on the e-mail system of Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi'an, Shaanxi province, China's National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center reported on Monday, following the conclusion of the initial investigation.
On June 22, the university announced that it had found phishing emails in the guise of research reviews, invitations to academic events and opportunities to study abroad that contained Trojan horse programs. which had been sent to teachers and students at the university in an attempt to steal their data and personal information.
","time":1662367832197,"comment":"https://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202206/23/WS62b3efc8a310fd2b29e68198.html","avatar":"","editting":false,"resume":[],"data-comment-id":"comment_id_1662367797257"}">An initial investigation found that the cyberattack was carried out by overseas hackers and has posed a grave threat to the university's information system, putting the personal data of students and teachers at risk. Phishing emails and their Trojan horse programs used in the attack have been obtained as key evidence, local police said.
By extracting samples of Trojan horse programs from the university's internet terminals with the support of European and South Asian partners, the technical team was able to initially identify that the cyberattack had been conducted by TAO (Code S32) under the Data Reconnaissance Bureau (Code S3) of the Information Department (Code S) of the NSA, it added.
Furthermore, the investigation has shown that the case is just one of tens of thousands of cyberattacks launched by the NSA's Office of Tailored Access Operation — a cyberwarfare intelligence-gathering unit — on targets in China in recent years. The malicious attacks have resulted in the leak of more than 140GB of high value data, the center said. During the attack targeting the university's computer network, more than 40 different cyberattack weapons were used to steal core technology data, including key network equipment configurations, network management data, and core operational data.
In addition, 54 jumpers and proxy servers in 17 countries were used in the attack, about 70 percent of which were based in countries near China, including Japan and South Korea, the center said.
TAO is the largest and most important part of the intelligence division of the NSA. Founded in 1998, the main responsibility of TAO is to use the internet to secretly access to insider information of its competitors, including secretly invading target countries' key information infrastructure to steal account codes, break or destroy computer security systems, monitor network traffic, invade privacy and steal sensitive data, and gain access to phone calls, emails, network communications and messages. The various departments of TAO are composed of more than 1,000 active military personnel, network hackers, intelligence analysts, academics, computer hardware and software designers, and electronics engineers.
美国国家安全局针对西北工业大学的攻击行动代号为“阻击XXXX”(shotXXXX)。在窃密期间,TAO负责人是罗伯特·乔伊斯(Robert Edward Joyce)。此人1967年9月13日出生,1989年进入美国国家安全局工作。曾经担任过TAO副主任,2013年至2017年担任TAO主任。2017年10月开始担任代理美国国土安全顾问。2018年4月至5月,担任美国白宫国务安全顾问,后回到NSA担任美国国家安全局局长网络安全战略高级顾问,现担任NSA网络安全局主管。
The cyberattack operation was code-named "shotXXXX" by the NSA under the direct command of the head of TAO.
TAO was headed by Rob Joyce. Born September 13, 1967, he attended Hannibal High School and graduated from Clarkson University with a bachelor’s degree in 1989 and Johns Hopkins University with a master’s degree in 1993. He joined the NSA in 1989 and served as Deputy Director of TAO from 2013 to 2017. He began serving as Acting US Homeland Security Advisor in October 2017. From April to May 2018, he served as the State Security Advisor to the White House, and then returned to the NSA as the Senior Advisor to the Director of Cybersecurity Strategy of the NSA. He now serves as the Director of Cybersecurity.
Thirteen people from the US have been found to be directly involved in the attack, and 170 electronic documents and 60 contracts between the NSA and American telecom operators were arranged through a cover company to create an environment for cyberattacks.
综合来源:央视新闻,中国日报网,Global Times