


People trying to leave Ukraine for their home countries told CNN they have been segregated and denied transportation out of the country by officials at the border. Some have allegedly been beaten in racist attacks. It’s the first time the Ukraine’s government has acknowledged the crisis on the border. Non-Ukranians, particularly from Africa, have been subjected to racism as they have tried to flee.

与此同时,很多西方媒体在报道时使用的各种措辞,同样引发网友不满,称其报道为“种族主义”、“双重标准”。 半岛电视台网站就发文称:西方媒体对乌克兰战事的“双标”报道遭批评。

2月26日,工作人员在波兰普热梅西尔为到来的乌克兰人登记信息。这里距离乌克兰仅10公里左右。新华社记者 孟鼎博 摄

上周五,美国CBS新闻网的驻基辅记者Charlie D’Agata,在节目连线时这样说到他对于乌克兰情况的理解:“恕我直言,这里不是伊拉克和阿富汗那种经历数十年战乱的地方,这里是相对文明、相对欧洲的城市,我不得不谨慎措辞,在这里你不会期待或者希望看到将要发生的事情。”

CBS News senior correspondent in Kyiv Charlie D’Agata said on Friday: “This isn’t a place, with all due respect, like Iraq or Afghanistan that has seen conflict raging for decades. This is a relatively civilised, relatively European – I have to choose those words carefully, too – city where you wouldn’t expect that, or hope that it’s going to happen.”


His comments were met with derision and anger on social media, with many pointing out how his statements contributed to the further dehumanisation of non-white, non-European people suffering under a conflict within mainstream media.





Prominent social media users have been quick to point out the racist tropes in this and other coverage.

前乌克兰前副检察长David Sakvarelidze在接受BBC采访时称,“我每天看到金发碧眼的欧洲人被杀死,心情难以平复。”


认证为美国媒体人、作家的Michael Knowles发推称,自己见证了有生之年首次爆发在“两个文明国家之间的战争”。同样,网友用漫画来讽刺他不如直接拿比色卡来认定是否文明。

半岛电视台自身的英语播报Peter Dobbie也有过类似表述,称逃离战火的乌克兰人“富有、中产”,他们“明显不像从中东大战中逃出来的难民;也不像从北非来的,乌克兰人看上去就像你家旁边的欧洲邻居。”半岛电视台方面随后道歉,称如此播报“不恰当,麻木冷漠且不负责。”

On Sunday, Al Jazeera English presenter Peter Dobbie described Ukrainians fleeing the war as “prosperous, middle class people” who “are not obviously refugees trying to get away from areas in the Middle East that are still in a big state of war; these are not people trying to get away from areas in North Africa, they look like any European family that you would live next door to.” The media network later issued an apology, saying the comments “were inappropriate, insensitive, and irresponsible”.

英国议员Claudia Webbe在推特上写道,如何判断这些到底是不是真的关心乌克兰?很简单,就看他们是不是对所有难民张开双臂。“那剩下的呢?都是装的。”

Claudia Webbe, a British member of parliament, tweeted that the people who genuinely care about Ukrainians are the ones who will welcome all refugees with open arms.“The rest?” she posted, “Well, they’re pretending.”


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