据CNN报道,当地时间23日,美国加州警方在商场内朝一名袭击女性的男性嫌疑人开枪,结果却导致在试衣间内的14岁女孩Valentina Orellana-Peralta中枪身亡。
Valentina Orellana-Peralta, a 14-year-old girl who was in a California department store dressing room with her mother was killed Thursday when police fired at a man suspected of attacking a woman in the store, authorities said.
洛杉矶警方Dominic Choi在新闻发布会上表示,现场发现金属锁,确信是嫌疑男子袭击时所用。警方开枪将其射杀,但是其中一发子弹穿墙而过击中了试衣间里的女孩。现场没有发现其他枪支武器。
The man suspected in the attack was also shot and killed by police, Los Angeles Police Department Assistant Chief Dominic Choi said. A steel or metal cable lock was found near the man, and investigators believe it was involved in the assault on the woman, he said. No firearm was recovered from the scene. One of the shots penetrated a wall and struck the girl.
当地时间周一,洛杉矶警方公布了事发时拍摄的视频。 视频显示,警员手持步枪,向嫌疑人开了3枪,后者随即倒地。
An officer can be heard on the body camera footage firing three bullets toward the suspect, who later falls to the ground. Video shows the officer firing a rifle at the suspect.
Valentina was killed by a gunshot wound to the chest, coroner records show.
Valentina came to the United States from Chile with her mother and sister about six months ago. Her father remained in Chile, but had planned a trip to California for the holidays. He had hoped to take his daughter to a Los Angeles Lakers game. Valentina had excelled in her new high school despite her short time in the country, relatives said.
The parents of a girl killed in a clothing store dressing room by a Los Angeles police officer's stray bullet last week called for justice on Tuesday, the day after police released video showing the chaotic moments leading to the fatal shooting.
回忆起当时场景,女孩的母亲Soledad Peralta泪流满面地说道,当时她们在商场里为圣诞挑裙子,听到叫声后就躲了起来。“她死在我怀里,而我什么也做不了。”
In tears, Valentina's mother, Soledad Peralta, described taking cover after hearing screams while shopping for a Christmas dress for the girl." She died in my arms," her mother said. "I couldn't do anything.”
父亲Juan Pablo Orellana Larenas则对媒体说道,她的女儿曾向他保证,美国“是世界上最安全的国家。”
Juan Pablo Orellana Larenas, who flew to flew to Los Angeles from their native Chile, told reporters Tuesday that his daughter had once assured him the US was "the safest country in the world."
"I have no words to describe what I'm going through, especially during this holiday season," Valentina's father said. "I cannot sleep... All she wanted was to become a American citizen. I once told her, let's leave this country. 'No, papa,' she said. "This is the safest country in the world, a country of opportunity.' Now my daughter is dead at the hands of the state."
Police Capt. Stacy Spell said the investigation in its early stages. The incident will also be reviewed by representatives from the California Department of Justice, the state Attorney General's Office and the Office of the Inspector General, according to Spell.
The officer who fired the fatal shots is on "paid administrative leave, per department protocols for officer involved shootings, for at least two weeks," a police official told CNN.
Critics say they’ve heard the same before, and that it never changes the fact that LAPD officers are empowered to pull out their guns too quickly and fire them too freely — especially when they are confronting suspects who do not have guns of their own or who appear mentally ill or intoxicated.
In a year in which LAPD officers have shot 37 people, 17 of them fatally, such questions have become increasingly common. While those figures represent a significant decline from the highs of more than 100 police shootings per year in the early 1990s, they are a significant increase from the 27 people shot by the LAPD, seven of them fatally, in all of 2020, and the 26 shot, 12 fatally, in 2019.