近日,单词Vax(打疫苗)被《牛津英语词典》评为年度词汇。由于新冠肺炎疫情,2021年与疫苗相关的词汇更加频繁出现,“接种过两剂疫苗的”( double-vaxxed)、“未接种疫苗的(unvaxxed)”和“反对疫苗人士”( anti-vaxxer)这些词汇的使用频率骤增。Vax第一次出现在上世纪80年代,作为名词使用;随后在21世纪初开始,逐渐作为动词使用。
Vax has been chosen as the word of the year by lexicographers at the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). Words related to vaccines have spiked in frequency in 2021 due to Covid, with double-vaxxed, unvaxxed and anti-vaxxer all seeing a surge in use. The word first appeared as a noun in the 1980s and then started to be used as a verb in the early 21st century, according to the report.