Ramp up
7月5日,河南省鲁山县中医院新冠疫苗接种点,居民正在有序接种疫苗。新华网发(何进文 摄)
More than 1.3 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in China as of July 4, as the country continues to ramp up its inoculation drive, the National Health Commission announced on July 5. China accelerated its pace of free COVID-19 vaccinations for the whole nation in late March. It took China 25 days to climb from 100 million doses to 200 million doses, 16 days to increase from 200 million to 300 million, and just six days to move from 800 million to 900 million. Experts with the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention have called for vaccine dose schedules to be completed in full to achieve the best possible preventative effect.