The Zhejiang-based bottled water brand NongFu Spring has received backlash from Chinese netizens after its peach-flavored sparkling water was marketed sourcing peach ingredients from Japan's Fukushima Prefecture.
上周六,有网友在微博上放出图片,显示某超市里的农夫山泉桃子味气泡水广告展板赫然写着“福岛县产 Atakuti桃”的字样。微博中还放了一张来自农夫山泉微信公众号的文章内容截图,其中文字显示,这种桃子“产自日本福岛县”。
A Chinese netizen posted a photo on social media platform Weibo last Saturday, showing an advertising board in a supermarket saying a peach-flavored sparkling water from Nongfu Spring uses "Atakuti peach" from Japan's Fukushima Prefecture as ingredients, along with screenshots of the drink's introduction from Nongfu Spring's official Wechat account stating that "the peach is from Japan's Fukushima Prefecture."
The netizen later said to be contacted by Nongfu Spring with an update saying that the company just used a recipe to imitate the taste of the peach, but the ingredients are not from Japan's Fukushima Prefecture, and the company would conduct a full review.
声明称: 一、农夫山泉拂晓白桃味苏打气泡水产品是一款风味饮料,农夫山泉在产品标签配料表中按照食品安全国家标准的规范要求标明了产品配料。该产品的配料中没有从日本福岛进口的成分。农夫山泉产品的标签标示符合相关法规要求,并无任何错误或误导。
The statement said that the food label on the drink clearly indicates the ingredients of the product follow relevant laws and requirements without any misleading information, showing the drink does not contain anything from Japan's Fukushima Prefecture.
The statement also emphasized that the type of peaches mentioned in the advertisement originated from the Fukushima Prefecture, but has been introduced to China in the last century. Nongfu Spring only created the product based on the unique flavor of the peaches, which has nothing to do with the origin of the peaches.
Nongfu Spring requested media platforms and all social media accounts to immediately delete articles and comments that harm the reputation of the company to avoid any further spreading damage to the reputation of Nongfu Spring, read the statement.
Chinese netizens commented with anger under a statement posted by Nongfu Spring on Sunday in order to address the situation.
The market regulator in Jiande city, East China's Zhejiang Province, has inspected Nongfu Spring's production workshop in Jiande on Sunday and verified that the raw materials for the production of Nongfu Spring's peach-flavored sparkling water are not purchased from Japan's Fukushima Prefecture.
综合来源:Global Times 21世纪经济报道 光明网