Conspiracy theories have been flying around social media platforms throughout India's deadly second wave of Coronavirus cases. An audio message claiming that the 5G testing is the reason behind the sudden surge in COVID cases in India has been doing the rounds. In the message, a man can be heard saying that because of 5G testing people are dying in states like UP, Maharashtra and Bihar.
Earlier, a similar post had gone viral on social media. The Hindi text in the viral message claimed that the radiation from the tower makes the air poisonous causing breathing problems among people. It further stated that “just like the previous generation of mobile networks (4G) killed birds, the 5G network will cause the death of animals and humans”. The fake post had asked people to raise their voice against setting up such towers. Some regional newspapers had also carried the news without verifying the facts.
This is not the first time rumour mongers have tried to blame 5G behind the COVID-19, back in 2020, a few 5G towers were dismantled in the UK because of the fake claims.
Press Information Bureau (PIB) conducted a fact check and busted the fake news.
5月12日,一名男子在印度德里接种新冠疫苗。新华社发(帕塔•萨卡尔 摄)
据印度新闻网站The Wire报道,因为印度国内第二波疫情的暴发,总理莫迪面临严峻批评,不过就在此时,多位印度政府高级官员当天相继转发了一篇称赞莫迪“抗疫工作努力”的文章,该文章声称,读者不要上了“反对派的当”。
As the Centre and Prime Minister Narendra Modi face intense criticism for their handling of the second wave of COVID-19 in the country, a host of Union ministers and BJP functionaries on Tuesday tweeted an article published by a website called ‘The Daily Guardian’ which screamed in bold, capital letters that the prime minister has been “working hard”, asking readers not to get trapped by the “opposition’s barbs”.
在这篇文章里,甚至还有恶意炒作“新冠病毒源自中国”等阴谋论调,称“有可能释放出病毒是为了削弱印度。”The Wire在网站上放了这些官员的社交媒体截图:
综合来源:India Today,India.com,观察者网,The Wire