


时隔两年多后,上周四,Instagram上的博主Diet_Prada发文,称此前由于揭露了杜嘉班纳的辱华广告视频,从而遭到了后者的诉讼:“起诉称我们应该为杜嘉班纳和其联合创始人Stefano Gabbana所遭受的经济损失和其他伤害负责。此前我们曾批评了杜嘉班纳2018年的营销广告,其中对于一位中国女性展现出了刻板印象及性别偏见,而且我们揭露了Gabbana在Instagram账户上歧视亚裔的言论。”

“The lawsuit argues that we should be held responsible for lost revenue and other harm to Dolce & Gabbana and its co-founder Stefano Gabbana after we criticized their 2018 advertising campaign on Weibo for its stereotypical and sexist depiction of a Chinese woman, and revealed anti-Asian remarks originating from Gabbana’s Instagram account.”



 In their explanatory texts below, one could learn that D&G sued them to court in early 2019, requiring them to be "held responsible for" lost revenue and other harm done to the brand and its co-founder, Stefano Gabbana. According to Diet_Prada, D&G filed an action for defamation in early 2019, asking for 3 million euros to the brand and 1 million euros to Gabbana.


Fashion house Dolce & Gabbana has been accused of racism after an advertising campaign featured a model trying to eat Italian food with chopsticks. The clips, posted to Instagram, show a giggling Chinese woman dressed in new season D&G attempting to eat giant portions of pizza and pasta with chopsticks while a male narrator makes crude innuendos.


不过在事件刚发酵时,品牌方账号及创始人Gabbana还在各平台与网友 “对线”,发表过侮辱性言论。事态扩大后才发布道歉声明,还给出了“被盗号”的解释。网友称其道歉言论毫无悔意。

Worse, a later Instagram chat snapshot showed Gabbana badmouthed against China and even used poop emoji to describe Chinese. He later denied his own words and said his account was "hacked", without showing any evidence about that.



美联社采访了负责为Diet_Prada辩护的时尚法律界人士Susan Scafidi,后者称杜嘉班纳此举是为了让Diet_Prada账户的两位博主“噤声”。

“This whole case is a way of trying to silence Diet Prada, and to silence Tony (Liu) and Lindsay (Schuyler) personally,” said Susan Scafidi, director of the Fashion Law Institute at Fordham Law School, which is coordinating the bloggers’ defense.



“A public apology and a quiet lawsuit really cancel each other out in my mind,” Scafidi told The Associated Press on Saturday. The fashion house is seeking damages totaling more than half a billion euros, Scafidi said.

据了解,Diet Prada是一家于2014年成立的非营利性机构,长期监督时尚行业中的种族歧视现象。

根据境外时尚资讯网站Fashionista的报道,其实早在2019年年初,杜嘉班纳就已经将曝光公司涉嫌“歧视中国和亚裔”的意大利时尚自媒体账号Diet Prada告上了意大利的法庭。

但此前一直对被告一事选择沉默的Diet Prada方面,于近日将此案公开,并决心积极应诉,反击杜嘉班纳的指控。 

Diet Prada还在声明中表示,他们当年会站出来揭露杜嘉班纳的做法是因为这个账号的所有者之一就是一名亚裔,而虽然过去2年里他们一直对被杜嘉班纳起诉的事情选择低调处理,没有公开,可鉴于如今疫情之下美国对于亚裔的仇视越来越泛滥,他们认为不能再继续沉默,要继续勇敢地发声,而且也有法律机构愿意帮助他们辩护了。

Tony Liu and Lindsey Schuyler, the duo behind the account, filed a defense of their freedom of speech, according to a press release shared with Fashionista. 

Liu and Schuyler each issued a statement about the suit. Liu noted his upbringing as an Asian-American, with its accompanying pain of being othered through stereotypes, which have led to racism and violence, 

"For two years, I've stayed silent and carried the burden of this lawsuit on my shoulders," Liu's statement read. "During this time, the world was forced to reckon with the systemic racism in the U.S. that led to the murder of George Floyd and countless other Black lives, as well as the xenophobia that further fueled Trump's anti-Asian rhetoric in the age of COVID-19. In the outpouring of support for these communities being targeted, we all continue to see the power of solidarity and speaking truth to power." 


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