




The Duke of Cambridge contracted Covid-19 earlier this year, palace sources have told the BBC. It is believed he tested positive in April at a similar time to his father, the Prince of Wales.


According to the Sun newspaper, which first reported the story, Prince William, 38, kept his diagnosis private to avoid alarming the nation. Kensington Palace, the office and home of Prince William, refused to comment officially.

威廉王子是英国王位的第二顺位继承人。据《太阳报》报道,威廉并没有把检测结果呈阳性告知任何人,因为他表示“还有重要的事情在做,我不希望让任何人担心”。 报道指出,威廉接受了王室医生的治疗,并且按照政府的相关规定在位于诺福克郡Anmer Hall的家中进行了隔离。

Prince William, second in line to the throne, did not tell anyone about his positive test result because "there were important things going on and I didn't want to worry anyone", according to the Sun.He was treated by palace doctors and followed government guidelines by isolating at the family home Anmer Hall, in Norfolk, the paper added.

BBC王室记者Jonny Dymond则认为,威廉王子没有在当时将情况公之于众,也是考虑到国民情绪,希望可以避免担忧。同时,王室希望可以为其成员保留一点隐私。

BBC royal correspondent, Jonny Dymond, said Prince William's condition may not have been revealed publicly at the time as they may have wanted to avoid further alarm, given the national mood. "But the palace also tries to preserve some privacy for the Royal Family," our correspondent adds.



Prince William caught the virus in April days after Prince Charles, and Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, were struck down. Prince William reportedly carried out 14 telephone and video call engagements during April. The Sun noted in its report that the Prince took a seven-day break from calls and video messages from April 9 to April 16.




A source said: "William was hit pretty hard by the virus. At one stage he was struggling to breathe, so obviously everyone around him was pretty panicked. After seeing medics and testing positive - which was obviously quite a shock given how fit and healthy he is - William was determined it should be business as usual though. He was determined to fulfil his engagements."


The prospect of both the first- and second-in-line having a potentially deadly disease raises an important question about succession.


英国雷丁大学的王室历史学家Kate Williams表示,如果“发生不测,女王、查尔斯和威廉都去世,下一任王位继承人将是7岁的乔治。由于未满18岁,他不能成为国王。‘摄政委员会’将会委任一人以乔治的名义履行职责。”

"If the unthinkable had happened and the Queen, Charles and William all passed away, the next in line would be Prince George, who is seven years old," says Kate Williams, a leading Royal historian and professor of public engagement with history at the UK's University of Reading. "He would not rule as King in the traditional sense until he was 18, but a 'Regency Council' would be appointed who would carry out duties in his name."


The question would then be: Who would sit on that council? It would be assumed that George's mother, the Duchess of Cambridge, would play a big role, but after that things get somewhat tricky.The two most senior adult Royals in terms of succession would be Prince Harry, who stepped down from royal duties earlier this year, and Prince Andrew, who is embroiled in a scandal over his friendship with convicted child trafficker and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.


Conversations concerning a regency council or a constitutional crisis would normally be discussed with the government. CNN asked government sources if they knew about Prince William's illness, or had been in discussion with the palace, but they declined to comment.


At a glance, it's easy to see how it could have created a storm. It is possible that it was deemed unnecessary to have this discourse in public, given the fact that the Queen was not ill with the virus, and was carrying out her duties.



News of Prince William's diagnosis comes days before England is due to enter a second national lockdown, with four-week measures to start on Thursday. The United Kingdom is among Europe's worst hit countries.




综合来源:BBC,The Sun,CNN,央视新闻

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