



Kristie Hunter之前是美国公立学校的老师,但是最近两年来她的大部分生计来源都是靠在网上教中国孩子说英语。她就职于字节跳动旗下的GOGOKID公司,提供一对一的英语语言教学服务。同时,字节跳动也是短视频软件TikTok的母公司。

Kristie Hunter is a former public school teacher who for the past two years has made most of her money teaching children in China how to speak English online. Hunter works for GOGOKID, a one-on-one English language tutoring service owned by Chinese tech giant, ByteDance, which is the parent company of the hugely popular short-form video app TikTok.


"I used to think, 'We work for ByteDance, this huge company. They own TikTok. That's pretty cool, right?'" Hunter said. But now, the cool factor has morphed into something else: the threat of her job disappearing.


U.S President Trump's Aug. 6 executive order, which was aimed at TikTok, outlawed American business with not just the video-sharing app, but with all of ByteDance's subsidiaries.


That has thrown the future of Hunter and nearly 4,000 other American teachers contracted to work with GOGOKID into real peril. "It's been a very scary, confusing, highly stressful time," Hunter said.


在《洛杉矶时报》网站的这篇报道中,介绍了一位名叫Christa Kacer-Reynolds的女教师,她经常在美国时间凌晨3点半起床准备课程,然后从5点开始花几个小时的时间通过电脑屏幕教对面的中国孩子说英语,包括最简单的颜色、食物等等。有些孩子刚开始跟她上课的时候年龄还很小,Christa Kacer-Reynolds说自己很爱这份工作,也很爱她的学生,就好像是“看着孩子们学习并且长大。”

这项工作的报酬也很可观,Kacer-Reynolds 说:“财富上,这是很大一笔钱。我们用这些报酬偿还债务。”

The money helps, too. “Financially, it’s a big chunk,” Kacer-Reynolds said. “We’ve been really working on using the money to pay down debt.”


Under Trump's order targeting TikTok, "any transaction" between U.S. citizens and ByteDance would be banned. Violating the directive could result in a $300,000 fine, or even criminal prosecution. The order, which is being legally challenged by TikTok, is set to take effect on Sept. 20. 


"I could be put in jail for teaching a five-year-old how to say hello from across the computer," Hunter said. "We've got families that could potentially lose their homes and lose their savings because of this broad stroke of the pen because of this 'national security risk.'"


“My biggest worry is being fined,” said Kacer-Reynolds.“That scares me much more than not getting paid — my biggest concern is breaking the law,” Kacer-Reynolds said.

NPR援引美国前司法部门律师Brian Fleming的话表示,特朗普的禁令并没有十分明确说明字节跳动的附属公司或交易的违法条件。这样一来,GOGOKID的教师很有可能受到影响。“禁令的语言太宽泛了,”Fleming表示。

Brian Fleming, a former Justice Department lawyer who focused on enforcing economic sanctions, said Trump's order does not specify what subsidiaries or transactions with ByteDance will soon be outlawed. As a result, he said it is possible that GOGOKID instructors will be impacted. "The language of the order is extremely broad," Fleming said. 


In the midst of the U.S. standoff with TikTok, GOGOKID teachers who have come to rely on income from the teaching service are feeling jittery.

综合来源:参考消息微信公众号 NPR Los Angeles Times

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