The magic of quantum physics can make objects float in mid-air. TUCHONG
In 1970, American magician Rick Johnsson theorized that when magic tricks seem too perfect, audiences are less impressed and can easily figure out their secrets. Researchers at the University of London tested this theory, publishing their findings in PeerJ journal on May 30.
They found viewers preferred “perfect” tricks to flawed ones. But consistent with the theory, viewers had an easier time understanding how these tricks were performed.
Johnsson knew in the 20th century few people believed magicians had supernatural powers. They knew there is a rational explanation for magic, and it’s often science.
What’s the science behind popular magic tricks? Website ScienceABC reveals their secrets. Let’s take a look.
Levitating objects
Another popular trick is making objects levitate, with smaller objects being especially easy to “fly”. To the viewer, the levitating object may seem to defy gravity, but there’s a simple explanation – quantum physics.
Called quantum or magnetic levitation, the trick involves magnets and freezing cold temperatures. Magicians coat an object in a layer of magnetic paint and place it on top of a superconductor cooled by liquid nitrogen. The opposing forces cause the object to float above the superconductor.
Vanishing liquids
Many magicians can make liquids disappear. The explanation is simple – chemistry.
Sodium polyacrylate, also known as “waterlock”, is a chemical compound that can absorb liquids. It’s used in everyday products such as baby diapers. What’s magical about this polymer is it can absorb 100 to 1000 times its mass in liquid.
When a magician pours water into a cup lined with sodium polyacrylate, the water is quickly absorbed.
Burning paper
Another interesting trick is when magicians set paper alight, it remains intact. Magicians can even use money in this trick. However, there’s a scientific explanation – chemistry!
The item is dipped in a mixture of alcohol and water before the trick. When it’s lit on fire, the alcohol covering the paper begins to burn. Alcohol burns and evaporates at a much lower temperature than water, so the water protects the paper from burning.