You’re never too young to fight for what you know is right, and 15-year-old American Ashlyn So is proving this. She’s been named one of Seventeen magazine’s Voices of Change for her work in the “Stop Asian Hate” movement.
She has led rallies and started a petition in an attempt to solve the problems that she sees around her. How did she become involved at such a young age? Being Asian American in southern California, she witnessed many incidents of hatred and even violence toward those in her community. The event that finally drove her to act was in January 2021, when elderly Thai immigrant Vichar Ratanapakdee was killed in a hate crime in San Francisco. A teenager ran up to Ratanapakdee on the street and pushed him to the ground, and he sustained fatal head injuries.
Like so many others across the country, So was outraged and could not be silent any longer. The following month, she organized her first “Stand for Asians” rally to speak out against the senseless hatred and violence that Asian Americans suffer. That rally took place in San Mateo Central Park, California, and around 300 people came to watch her speak.
“I used to be extremely shy and maybe sometimes I still am,” she told Seventeen magazine. “But this situation has given me a surge of energy. I saw what was going on and I knew I had to say something about it. I could no longer be quiet.”
Since then, she has spoken at two other rallies in San Jose and Berkeley, and also started a petition which calls for the inclusion of Asian American history in state curriculums. She wants to remind everyone that Asian American history is a big part of American history, and that it’s important for young people to learn about the discrimination that her community has faced for over a century.
In addition to her activism, So is also a budding fashion designer. She even combined her activist roots with her artistic nature during the pandemic and designed masks for frontline workers, students and people in the hospital.
Currently, So is designing a new collection and merchandise line. “The new collection is going to represent an abstract idea of all of us coming together as a community to fight against racism and standing up for Asian Americans,” So told Teen Vogue.