Shanghai animation film studio
After 38 years, a classic Chinese animated film has been re-released. On Nov 5, the 4K version of The Legend of Sealed Book came out. The film, first released in 1983, displays many aspects of traditional Chinese culture.
Adapted from the Chinese tale, Legends of Conquering Monsters, The Legend of Sealed Book tells the story of Yuangong who works in heaven. He finds a book with amazing tricks and wants to pass the book to humans. But three fox spirits steal it and cheat the humans after learning the tricks. Then Yuangong and a boy called Dansheng fight against them.
The film features many Chinese elements. For example, the look of the three fox spirits comes from Peking Opera makeup. The waters and mountains are in the style of traditional Chinese ink wash paintings. The gardens and palaces are inspired by China’s ancient architecture.
China’s first ink wash animation actually came out in 1960. The film Little Tadpole Looking for Mummy has all the elements of the animals, plants and rocks drawn with ink and brush.
The animators learned from the great artist Qi Baishi. They used different kinds of lines and shades of colors to bring everything to life.
The film is only about 15 minutes long, but it took lots of work. Without computers, the animators had to draw everything by hand. One second of animation needed 24 pictures. To save time, the clever artists stamped the tadpoles’ bodies on paper with a special seal. Then, they drew the tails.
From then on, ink wash animations became popular in China. Now, animators are combining ink wash painting with computer technology. For example, Fog Hills of Five Elements, which came out in 2020, is in the ink wash style. It’s about five elemental envoys fighting against evil.
In an interview with China Youth Daily, Lin Hun, the director of Fog Hills of Five Elements, explained why he adopted such a style. “It upmost represents our Chinese animation,” he said.