
China launches the space station core module Tianhe. CHINA DAILY
As the countdown ticked down to zero at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province on April 29, 10 engines at the bottom of a Long March 5B heavy-lift carrier rocket roared to life, generating a thrust power of 1,068 metric tons to lift the 18-story-tall vehicle through thick rain clouds covering the coastal city of Wenchang.
The rocket managed to send the core capsule of China’s space station, named Tianhe, into its planned orbit. In 1992, China’s government proposed a “three-step” strategy for aerospace engineering by first building a manned spacecraft, followed by building mini space stations (Tiangong-1 and -2) and then China’s own space station. This launch has brought China closer to its final goal.
As the future management and control center of China’s space station, the total length of the core module is 16.6 meters, around the height of a 5-story building. With a maximum diameter of 4.2 meters, it is more spacious than a train or subway carriage.
The Tianhe core capsule’s launch kicks off a series of launch missions that aims to complete the construction of China’s space station. After completion by the end of 2022, China’s space station will be a T shape, with the core module at the center and a lab capsule on each side. It will be able to support three astronauts to work and live in for a long time or six astronauts at most for a short time.
To ensure a quality life for astronauts, it’s divided into six zones, including zones for work, sleep, sanitation, dining, healthcare and exercise. For example, astronauts may choose treadmills or spin bikes to maintain their physical health. Moreover, the station will feature “smart home” technology to remotely control household appliances in the cabin through tablets, such as the refrigerator, water dispenser and microwave.
China aims to build the space station into a state-level space lab that supports extended stays of astronauts and large-scale scientific, technological and application experiments. The station is also expected to contribute to the peaceful development and utilization (使用) of space resources through international cooperation, as well as to enrich technologies and experiences for China’s future explorations into deeper space.