【导读】近期,随着美国疫情暴发、反种族歧视抗议蔓延,已在中国积累了大量粉丝的美国视频博主郭杰瑞(Jerry Kowal)走上纽约街头,把中国网友的疑问传递给美国路人。他还与央视连线,用中文讲述美国疫情和反种族歧视抗议等社会现状,很快便收获千万点击量。

US vlogger Jerry Kowal documents important social issues in the US through his videos. CHINA DAILY
Vlogging is an increasingly popular activity and with so many foreign vloggers sharing personal experiences in their countries online, it’s no wonder that young Chinese people have tuned in to hear their stories. But what makes American Jerry Kowal stand out as such an influential vlogger?
In unscripted videos, Kowal offers his sincere insight into current events to his over 5.3 million followers on video sharing platform Bilibili. Unlike other vloggers who tend to focus on one topic, his videos address various issues, such as the pandemic and racism. After leaving Chengdu and returning to New York In January, Kowal wanted to give his Chinese followers a clear understanding of how the US was responding to the COVID-19 outbreak. He bravely walked around the streets, visited hospitals and interviewed local residents at the risk of getting infected.
His actions earned him the nickname “war correspondent”. As a responsible citizen journalist, Kowal is deeply concerned about social issues. Amid the protests triggered by George Floyd, an unarmed African American who died while in police custody, Kowal encountered questions from his fans about his views and attitude toward this situation.
In response, Kowal uploaded an informative video explaining that he believed this event was a result of implicit racial bias and police violence. He even brought the audience into the streets to see the protesters in action.
“Vlogs help people learn the culture of other countries ... I just tell people what I have seen through my eyes about the US, China and everything,” he said in a CCTV interview on June 10.