
Humans once had a closer connection to the animal kingdom. AFP
As human beings retreat into their homes as the novel coronavirus pandemic expands across the world, nature seems to be taking back urban areas.
According to The Straits Times, many wild animals have recently skipped onto empty streets in many cities.
In Spain, a wild boar climbed down the hills and wandered around Barcelona. Sika deer nosed their way around the deserted metro stations of Nara in Japan. A stag scampered in the capital of the northern state of Uttarakhand in India.
“It is certainly great news for species,” Marcelo Giagnoni, the head of Chile’s agricultural and livestock service, told AFP. “This is the habitat they once had and that we’ve taken away from them.”
“对于生物们来说,这的确是个好消息,” 智利农业和畜牧局局长马塞洛·贾戈诺尼在接受法新社采访时如此表示。“这是它们曾经的栖息地,却被我们夺走了。”
Hundreds of years ago, people lived in harmony with wildlife. They shared natural resources from sunlight to water and from forests to land. But as human beings evolved and formed their own civilizations, they jostled with animals for more space and resources. Gradually, human beings came to lose connection with nature. More skyscrapers have been built to meet the needs of the flock of people in the cities, which drove away many wild animals from their habitats. Now in the cities and suburbs, unmowed lawns will be a source of “bounty for bees, bumble bees and butterflies”, said Romain Julliard, head of research at the French Natural History Museum.
However, the recent lockdown of cities amid the pandemic gives a chance of “freeing a space for other animals” and reflecting on our relationship with nature, according to AFP.
Stuck indoors, with their worlds reduced to a few square meters, urban people have suddenly become avid birdwatchers.
British ornithologist David Lindo, who is known as the “urban birder”, has been posting and livestreaming birds he spots from the roof of the building in Spain where he has been quarantined.
“The sky is a great arena, anything can fly past and, at the very least, it will give you peace. My message is simple: keep looking up,” he told CTV News.
Just as AFP noted, right now “the most important phenomenon perhaps is our relationship with nature is changing – with people locked up in their homes realizing how much they miss nature”.
正如法新社报道所指出的那样,如今“最重要的现象或许是我们与大自然的关系正在发生改变 —— 人们关在家中才意识到他们有多想念大自然”。
Though the lockdown may be temporary, it’s time for us to reflect upon our relationship with the environment. As AFP put it, “people should always have a need of nature”. By missing nature, humans may come to respect – and live in harmony with – nature once again.