




今年,中国将全面推进探月工程四期,规划包括嫦娥六号、嫦娥七号和嫦娥八号任务。中国探月工程总设计师吴伟仁介绍,嫦娥六号将从月球背面采集更多样品( sample-return task),争取实现2000克的目标。

嫦娥七号准备在月球南极着陆(land on the lunar south pole),主要任务是开展飞跃探测,争取能找到水(detect water resources)。

嫦娥八号准备在2028年前后实施发射,嫦娥七号和嫦娥八号将会组成月球南极科研站的基本型(build a basic model of a scientific research station on the moon's south pole),有月球轨道器(orbiter)、着陆器(lander)、月球车( rover )、飞跃器(flying craft)以及若干科学探测仪器。

China will push forward its phase-4 lunar exploration program this year, including a planned mission to bring 2 kilograms of samples from the far side of the moon back to Earth, Wu Weiren, chief designer of the country's lunar exploration program, revealed on Monday.

Wu said China will continue its lunar research with the Chang'e-6, Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8 missions. The Chang'e-6 mission is scheduled to complete the sample-return task, and the Chang'e-7 mission will involve landing on the lunar south pole and detecting water resources.

The Chang'e-8 mission will be launched around 2028 and will work in collaboration with Chang'e-7 to build a basic model of a scientific research station on the moon's south pole, including multiple exploration instruments such as orbiters, landers, rovers and flying craft, Wu noted.


The Chang'e-5, launched in 2020, was China's most recent lunar mission. Its probe retrieved a total of 1,731 grams of soil samples from the near side of the moon.

新闻来源:新华网 央视新闻 


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