



5月5日,在位于纽约的联合国总部,中国常驻联合国代表张军(前排中)在会议上发言。新华社记者 谢锷 摄


NATO’s repeated eastward expansion after the Cold War has not only failed to make Europe any safer, but also sowed the seeds of conflict. Contrary to its claim to be an organization defensive in nature, NATO has wantonly launched wars against sovereign countries, causing colossal casualties and humanitarian disasters.


The day after tomorrow is May 7. On May 7, 1999, NATO fired a number of precision-guided missiles at the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, killing three Chinese journalists and injuring more than 20 Chinese diplomats. The Chinese people will never forget this barbaric atrocity, and will never allow such history to repeat itself. 


Security of all countries is indivisible. To base one country’s security on the insecurity of other countries is neither reasonable nor operable. Now that the Cold War is behind us, NATO should naturally size up the situation, and make necessary adjustments. Clinging to the anachronistic doctrine of security and keen to provoke bloc confrontations and create tensions in Europe and even the Asia Pacific region and the wider world, such practices as harmful to others as they are deleterious to the perpetrators themselves, and deserve nothing less than China's firm opposition. 


The world does not need a new Cold War, and it cannot afford greater turmoil and division. China solemnly advocates that in order to solve the practical problems of the security for all humanity and seek long-term solution to world peace, all countries should reaffirm their commitment to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, earnestly uphold the principle of indivisibility of security, forge synergy through consultations, and build together a balanced, effective and sustainable global and regional security architecture. 




The Chinese people will never forget that on May 7, 1999, the US-led NATO bombed the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, killing three Chinese journalists and wounding more than 20 Chinese diplomats. The Chinese people will never forget such barbaric atrocities of NATO and will never allow the historical tragedy to be repeated.


NATO claims to be a defensive organization, but in fact it has repeatedly violated international law and wantonly waged war against sovereign states, undermining global and regional peace and killing and displacing a large number of innocent civilians. In its blind pursuit of “absolute security”, NATO engaged in five consecutive waves of eastward expansion after the end of the Cold War, which did not make Europe safer, but rather sowed the seed of conflict between Russia and Ukraine, reigniting conflict on the European continent.


The Cold War is long over. The common aspiration of all countries in the world is promoting peace, cooperation and development. The US-led NATO should naturally grasp the situation and make necessary adjustments. It should discard the Cold War mentality, stop provoking bloc confrontation and creating tension in Europe, the Asia-Pacific and the world. The US and NATO should take concrete steps to make solid contributions to world peace, stability and development.”


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