
Lighting up the way交通信号灯未来或增加白灯



A fourth color might be added to traffic lights to better realize the potential of self-driving vehicles, as stated in a recent paper by researchers at North Carolina State University in the US.


Autonomous vehicles can do more than just drive – they are able to sense their surroundings and upload information. A shared network gives orders to stop at a crossing based on traffic conditions.


The added white lights would be used to signal to human drivers that autonomous vehicles are managing the upcoming traffic flow intelligently. Drivers don’t have to check the traditional lights if the white one is on. “The white lights will tell human drivers to simply follow the car in front of them,” one of the study authors Ali Hajbabaie told the university’s website.

新增的白灯会向人类驾驶员发出信号,表明自动驾驶车辆正在智能应对即将到来的车流。如果白灯亮起,驾驶员就不必去确认传统的交通信号灯。据北卡罗来纳州立大学官网消息,该研究的作者之一Ali Hajbabaie表示,“白灯会告诉人类驾驶员,只要跟着前面的车走就行了。”

Simulated models showed that autonomous vehicles were able to improve traffic flow on their own. Introducing the white light also has a positive effect on reducing fuel consumption. The higher the percentage of autonomous vehicles at a crossing, the faster the traffic moves, reducing about 40 to 99 percent of the total delay time.


What kind of infrastructure is needed as self-driving technology thrives? In an interview with China Surveying and Mapping magazine, Liu Jingnan at the Chinese Academy of Engineering shared his answers.


To begin with, the vehicle’s network that collects data about the environment and shares the data with other vehicles needs to be intelligent. High-precision maps are needed for autonomous vehicles to plan routes in detail. They can provide both updated information on traditional maps and real-time changes, such as accidents.


For example, when driving around a curve, the navigation system in the vehicle needs to calculate the safe speed based on the map’s information. And if the area is foggy, the network has to alarm the other cars to slow down.


Other elements on the road need to be upgraded too. For example, road markings should be precise and readable for machines. Sensors should be built on sidewalks and roads to allow vehicles to predict potentially dangerous situations.




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