
Reality enhanced数字虚拟人异军突起,各个行业大展身手


Digital humans serve in different fields and some even have a large fan base in China. PHOTOS PROVIDED TO TEENS / CHINA DAILY


Accompanied by the background sounds of Chinese traditional instruments, Yuanxi – China Daily’s digital employee –introduced the 9,000-year-old stone carvings from the Helan Mountains in Northwest China’s Ningxia Hui autonomous region on Oct 14.


“The meeting between the virtual human and Chinese traditional culture is quite interesting,” an internet user commented on Sina Weibo.


With the rise of the metaverse, virtual humans have become a growing phenomenon in China. According to a research report by QbitAI, it is estimated that the overall market size of China’s virtual humans will reach 270 billion yuan by 2030.


Though they are not real, these virtual beings share similar identities with us and serve in different fields of our daily lives, including education, broadcasting, and business. For example, in June 2021, Hua Zhibing, a virtual human who can write poetry, was officially registered as a student at Tsinghua University. Throughout the 2022 Winter Olympics, China’s first AI sign language presenter served hearing-impaired audiences 24/7.


Due to their perfect image and interesting setups, some virtual humans even get a large number of fans and become idols in real life. Luo Tianyi is one of them. As a virtual singer, Luo has over 5 million followers on Sina Weibo. When she held a concert in Shanghai in 2018, more than 10,000 fans waved glow sticks and cheered for her. Gao Yu, a fan of Luo, told Economic Information Daily that “just like chasing human idols, Luo’s fans also hold birthday parties for her and buy the products she promotes.”


Generally speaking, virtual humans are often seen as the gateway to the metaverse and have demonstrated financial potential, but there’s still a lot of room for development, reported Xinhua.




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