
周末歌单| 听Coldplay新单再次被治愈:有个闪闪发光的梦想真好

《Champion Of The World》-Coldplay

酷玩乐队Coldplay新单《Champion Of The World》MV出炉,延续酷玩乐队一贯的风格,拍摄得既有创意又鼓舞人心。主唱“马山芋”Chris Martin在MV中出镜,“返老还童”重返校园时代。

Coldplay’s Chris Martin goes back to his schoolyard days in the band’s new music video for “Champion of the World.”

MV由法国导演Cloé Bailly执导,在洛杉矶拍摄。乐队主唱饰演一个追求梦想的“小男孩”,他经历了校园霸凌,被父母责骂,受到周围人的排斥……然而却通过天马行空的想象力和音乐,把一切负能量都抛在了脑后。

Directed by French filmmaker Cloé Bailly and filmed in Los Angeles, the clip sees the Coldplay frontman portraying a little boy who gets bullied at school, berated by his parents, and ostracized by everyone around him — but finds solace through music and imagination.


据《滚石》杂志报道,这首歌同时还致敬了苏格兰电子摇滚乐队Frightened Rabbit的主唱Scott Hutchison。据 Chris Martin透露,Hutchison的个人单曲《Los Angeles, Be Kind》是这首新单的灵感来源。

The song “Champion of the World” features a co-writing credit for the late Frightened Rabbit frontman Scott Hutchinson. According to Martin, Hutchinson’s solo track “Los Angeles, Be Kind” was a major inspiration for the song.


And when I sail, I’m sailing west
当我起航时 我将一路向西
Knowing I might fail but still I’m hoping for the best
或许我会失败 但我仍然希望梦想成真
And in my dreams, onto my chest
我的梦里 我的胸前
She’ll pin the colours and say
她会染上别样色彩 和我说
“I wandered the whole wide world but
“我曾以梦为马浪迹天涯 回首发现
Baby you’re the best”

So I’m flying on my bicycle
Heading upwards from the Earth
I am jumping with no parachute
我丢弃伞包 纵身一跃
Out into the universe
I have E.T. on my bicycle
我骑着自行车 与ET同行
Because giving up won’t work
Now I’m riding on my rocketship
And I’m champion of the world
我就是 世界冠军

《Stupid Love》-Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga终于携新单《Stupid Love》回归——这是自她主演影片《一个明星的诞生》并为其献唱大热原声《Shallow》后,首次发布全新单曲。同时这首歌也是她自2016年的个人录音室专辑《Joanne》后发布的首支个人非影视类单曲。

Lady Gaga is back with brand new music — her first single since her acting turn in A Star Is Born and its mega-hit anthem “Shallow,” and her first non-theatrical music since her 2016 album, Joanne. 

这首歌的MV由手机拍摄,可以说回归了Lady Gaga早期怪诞、奇幻的风格。



“I want people to dance and feel happy,” Gaga said of her new music in a recent interview. “I put all my heart, all my pain, all my messages from the other realm that I hear... into music that I believe to be so fun and energetically really pure.”



Now it's time to free me from the chain
I gotta find that peace, is it too late
我得寻到自己的一份安宁 现在是否为时已晚
Or could this love protect me from the pain?
I would battle for you (Even if I break in two)
Freak out, freak out, freak out, freak out (Look at me)
快要疯掉 快要不受控制(请看着我)
Get down, get down, get down, get down (Look at me)
冷静下来 尝试把持自我(请看着我)
Freak out, freak out, freak out, freak out
快要崩溃 快要失去了理智
Look at me now
'Cause all I ever wanted was love
I want your stupid love, love
I want your stupid love, love

《The Other Side》-Justin Timberlake / SZA

贾老板Justin Timberlake终于又“营业”了~ 他与曾获得格莱美最佳新人提名的美国R&B歌手SZA合作,为动画电影《魔发精灵2》献唱主题曲《The Other Side》。这首欢快律动的新单由贾老板和制作人Ludwig Göransson共同打造。

Justin Timberlake and SZA have released a new song from the Trolls World Tour soundtrack. It’s called “The Other Side,” and is a funky, upbeat single that, like much of the soundtrack, was written by Timberlake alongside producer Ludwig Göransson.

这首新单的MV也已于周三发布,致敬了90年代音乐视频导演Hype Williams所拍摄的经典嘻哈MV风格。鱼眼镜头、银色紧身连体衣和充满科幻工业感的房间,都仿佛不属于任何时空或地点,却非常带感就是了~

JT and SZA both star in the music video for “The Other Side,” released on Wednesday, which pays homage to classic Hype Williams hip-hop videos from the Nineties. The fisheye lens, the silver bodysuits, the sci-fi industrial rooms that don’t seem to belong to a particular time or place — it’s all here, and it’s done wonderfully.

说起来,贾老板在2016年为《魔发精灵》第一部所作的主题曲《Can’t Stop the Feeling》就拿下了多个榜单冠军,这一首还会延续好成绩吗?


You're preachin’ to the choir, stop hatin' on yourself
你在白费力气 请不要再选择讨厌自己
Quit playin' with your mind, you’re spinnin
不要再原地打转 沉溺于自己的思绪
If you think that I'm a liar, just try it for yourself
若你觉得我在说谎 不如自己尝试看看
The clouds will open up, blue skies are willing
乌云终将散去 蓝天总会来临
Yeah, I know it's so hard to throw away
我知道 选择丢弃并不容易
The clouds will open up, blue skies are willing
但乌云终将散去 蓝天总会来临
Back on your feet again, lift your head, hold it high
请你重新站立 将头高高昂起
You wanna run it back, but you can't turn the time
你想重新来过 但已追悔莫及
You start to feel like you're losing your shine
你身上的光芒 仿佛正暗淡下去
But the grass ain't always greener on the other side
Other side, got you stuck in your mind
另一边的世界 在你脑海盘旋
You start to feel like you're losing your shine
你身上的光芒 仿佛正暗淡下去
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