




The world could breach a new average temperature record in 2023 or 2024, fuelled by climate change and the anticipated return of the El Nino weather phenomenon, climate scientists say.


路透社报道称,气候模型表明,在拉尼娜现象(La Nina,通常会略微降低全球气温)在太平洋地区持续约3年后,在今年晚些时候,世界将重新经历使温度更高的厄尔尼诺现象(El Nino)。

Climate models suggest that after three years of the La Nina weather pattern in the Pacific Ocean, which generally lowers global temperatures slightly, the world will experience a return to El Nino, the warmer counterpart, later this year.


欧盟哥白尼气候变化服务局(Copernicus Climate Change Service)主要负责人卡洛·布翁滕波说:“厄尔尼诺通常与全球范围内的创纪录温度有关。这种情况是否会在2023年或2024年发生还不得而知,但我认为发生的可能性更大。”

"El Nino is normally associated with record breaking temperatures at the global level. Whether this will happen in 2023 or 2024 is not yet known, but it is, I think, more likely than not," said Carlo Buontempo, director of the EU's Copernicus Climate Change Service.


Climate models suggest a return to El Nino conditions in the late boreal summer, and the possibility of a strong El Nino developing towards the end of the year, Buontempo said.

世界气象组织数据显示,在强厄尔尼诺现象和气候变化的双重作用下,2016年是有记录以来最热的一年。2015年至2022年是全球有记录以来最暖的8年。这反映了由温室气体排放(greenhouse gas emissions)而引起的长期变暖趋势。

The world's hottest year on record so far was 2016, coinciding with a strong El Nino - although climate change has fuelled extreme temperatures even in years without the phenomenon.

The last eight years were the world's eight hottest on record - reflecting the longer-term warming trend driven by greenhouse gas emissions.

英国帝国理工学院格兰瑟姆气候变化与环境研究所的高级讲师弗雷德里克·奥托表示,厄尔尼诺现象引发的高温可能使不少国家已经经历的气候变化影响恶化,包括极端热浪(severe heatwaves)、干旱(drought)和野火(wildfires)频发。

Friederike Otto, senior lecturer at Imperial College London's Grantham Institute, said El Nino-fuelled temperatures could worsen the climate change impacts countries are already experiencing - including severe heatwaves, drought and wildfires.



"If El Niño does develop, there is a good chance 2023 will be even hotter than 2016 – considering the world has continued to warm as humans continue to burn fossil fuels," Otto said.

据联合国资料介绍,为应对气候变化,197个国家于2015年在巴黎召开的缔约方会议第二十一届会议上通过了《巴黎协定》(the Paris Agreement),会上规定的目标是将本世纪全球气温升幅限制在2摄氏度以内,同时努力争取将气温升幅进一步限制在1.5摄氏度以内。



EU Copernicus scientists published a report last Thursday assessing the climate extremes the world experienced last year, its fifth-warmest year on record.


The changing climate fuelled weather extremes across the planet in 2022. Europe suffered its hottest summer on record, while in Pakistan floods killed 1,700 people and wrecked infrastructure, drought ravaged crops in Uganda and wildfires ripped through Mediterranean countries.

当地时间2022年6月18日,西班牙Pumarejo de Tera,消防队员在野火现场进行救援。西班牙消防人员继续与多起火灾进行斗争,其中一场大火烧毁了近2万公顷的土地,这是西班牙遭遇极端热浪袭击的最后一天,最高温度达到43华氏度。图源:视觉中国

当地时间2022年7月17日,法国吉伦特,一名消防员在鲁查茨附近的森林大火中,消防员试图阻止野火因风向变化而蔓延。法国国家气象局在2022年11月30日宣布,法国经历了自1900年有记录以来的“最热的一年”。 图源:视觉中国




The world's average global temperature is now 1.1C to 1.2C higher than in pre-industrial times.



And in February this year, Antarctic sea ice levels hit a record low.


"We are already experiencing the devastating consequences of our warming world," said C3S deputy director Samantha Burgess, who called for urgent action to cut CO2 emissions and adapt to the changing climate.

只有各国将排放量减少到“净零(net zero)”,即排放到大气中的温室气体量不超过清除的温室气体量,全球气温才会停止上升。

Global temperatures will only stop rising if countries reduce their emissions to "net zero" - meaning they release no more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than they remove.


Despite most of the world's major emitters pledging to eventually slash their net emissions to zero, global CO2 emissions continue to rise.


At this year's COP28 climate conference, countries will formally assess their progress towards the Paris Agreement's 1.5C goal - and the far faster emissions cuts needed to meet it.



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