





综合《卫报》、《好莱坞记者报》(The Hollywood Reporter)报道,12日,华纳兄弟探索(Warner Bros Discovery)首席执行官大卫·扎斯拉夫(David Zaslav)宣布,将制作首部根据JK·罗琳原著改编的《哈利·波特》系列电视剧。剧集将在华纳兄弟旗下全新流媒体平台Max上线,该平台将把此前的HBO Max和Discovery+整合在一起。

The Harry Potter TV series is officially a go at Max, the streaming service known until today as HBO Max.

The Warner Bros Discovery CEO, David Zaslav, announced the new service, which combines the original HBO Max with Discovery+, along with the tentpole series based on JK Rowling’s books, on during a presentation on Wednesday, according to the Hollywood Reporter.


The live-action series, based on all seven books in the series published between 1997 and 2007, will become a “decade-long series produced with the same epic craft, love and care this global franchise is known for”, according to a statement from the newly branded Max. “The series will feature a new cast to lead a new generation of fandom, full of the fantastic detail, much-loved characters and dramatic locations that Harry Potter fans have loved for over 25 years.”



“Each season will be authentic to the original books and bring Harry Potter and these incredible adventures to new audiences around the world, while the original, classic and beloved films will remain at the core of the franchise.”

4月13日,HBO Max官方推特发布了这一消息及一段长约30秒的视频,并在配文中强调“将忠实改编经典原著(a faithful adaptation of the iconic books)”。↓








据《卫报》报道,JK·罗琳将与尼尔·布莱尔和露丝·肯利-莱茨一起担任该剧的执行制片人。《哈利·波特》8部电影的监制大卫·海曼(David Heyman)也在洽谈之中。

Rowling will executive-produce the series, alongside Neil Blair and Ruth Kenley-Letts. David Heyman, who executive-produced all eight of the Harry Potter feature films (released between 2001 and 2011), is also in talks to executive-produce.



Rowling said: “Max’s commitment to preserving the integrity of my books is important to me, and I’m looking forward to being part of this new adaptation which will allow for a degree of depth and detail only afforded by a long form television series.”

此外,HBO Max首席执行官凯西·布洛斯(Casey Bloys)表示,这次剧版《哈利·波特》的制作费用将达到《权力的游戏》及其前传《龙之家族》(House of the Dragon)第一季的规模,甚至更高。据悉,《龙之家族》第一季制作费用达1.25亿美元。

HBO Max剧集《龙之家族》第一季海报

他还表示,“会竭尽所能制作一部高质量的剧集(Whatever it takes to make a quality show)。

Casey Bloys, the Chairman and CEO of HBO and Max Content, discussed the Harry Potter show's budget. In comparison to Game of Thrones and its prequel series House of the Dragon, which had a season 1 budget of around $125 million, Bloys said the Harry Potter series "will be that scale or higher. Whatever it takes to make a quality show."


Details on cast, writers and a showrunner are yet to be announced.


综合来源:卫报,好莱坞记者报,推特@HBO Max


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