








For years, a common scam has involved getting a call from someone purporting to be an authority figure, like a police officer, urgently asking you to pay money to help get a friend or family member out of trouble.

Now, federal regulators warn, such a call could come from someone who sounds just like that friend or family member — but is actually a scammer using a clone of their voice.

美国联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)近期发布了一份消费者警告,敦促人们警惕犯罪分子用来诈骗人们钱财的最新技术——使用人工智能生成语音的诈骗电话。

The Federal Trade Commission recently issued a consumer alert urging people to be vigilant for calls using voice clones generated by artificial intelligence, one of the latest techniques used by criminals hoping to swindle people out of money.




“骗子(scammer)所需要的只是一段你家人声音的短音频以及一个声音克隆程序,这段音频可以从网上发布的内容中获取。” 该委员会警告称,“当骗子打电话给你时,他听起来就像你所爱的人一模一样。”

"All [the scammer] needs is a short audio clip of your family member's voice — which he could get from content posted online — and a voice-cloning program," the commission warned. "When the scammer calls you, he'll sound just like your loved one."


The FTC suggests that if someone who sounds like a friend or relative asks for money — particularly if they want to be paid via a wire transfer, cryptocurrency or a gift card — you should hang up and call the person directly to verify their story.








The man calling Ruth Card sounded just like her grandson Brandon. So when he said he was in jail, with no wallet or cellphone, and needed cash for bail, Card scrambled to do whatever she could to help.

Card, 73, and her husband, Greg Grace, 75, dashed to their bank in Regina, Saskatchewan, and withdrew 3,000 Canadian dollars, the daily maximum. They hurried to a second branch for more money. But a bank manager pulled them into his office: Another patron had gotten a similar call and learned the eerily accurate voice had been faked, Card recalled the banker saying. The man on the phone probably wasn’t their grandson.

另一位受害者——本杰明·珀金(Benjamin Perkin)年迈的父母——则在一次AI合成语音诈骗中损失了数万加元。


Benjamin Perkin’s elderly parents lost thousands of dollars to a voice scam. His parents received a phone call from an alleged lawyer, saying their son had killed a U.S. diplomat in a car accident. Perkin was in jail and needed money for legal fees.


The lawyer put Perkin, 39, on the phone, who said he loved them, appreciated them and needed the money. A few hours later, the lawyer called Perkin’s parents again, saying their son needed $21,000 in Canadian dollars before a court date later that day.

电话里的声音听起来“很逼真,以至于我的父母真的相信他们在和我说话,” 珀金在采访中讲道。他的父母惊慌失措地跑到几家银行取钱,之后通过比特币终端把钱汇给了律师。

The voice sounded “close enough for my parents to truly believe they did speak with me,” he said. In their state of panic, they rushed to several banks to get cash and sent the lawyer the money through a bitcoin terminal.


The family has filed a police report with Canada’s federal authorities, Perkin said, but that hasn’t brought the cash back.






Powered by AI, a slew of cheap online tools can translate an audio file into a replica of a voice, allowing a swindler to make it “speak” whatever they type.

美国加州大学伯克利分校数字取证教授哈尼·法里德(Hany Farid)介绍说,人工智能语音生成软件会分析一个人的声音独特之处——包括年龄、性别和口音——并在庞大的声音数据库中搜索,找到相似的声音并预测其模式。

AI voice-generating software analyzes what makes a person’s voice unique — including age, gender and accent — and searches a vast database of voices to find similar ones and predict patterns, Farid said.


It can then re-create the pitch, timbre and individual sounds of a person’s voice to create an overall effect that is similar, he added. It requires a short sample of audio, taken from places such as YouTube, podcasts, commercials, TikTok, Instagram or Facebook videos, Farid said.

“两年前,甚至一年前,你需要大量音频来克隆一个人的声音,” 法里德表示。“而现在,如果你用脸书,或者你录制了一段TikTok视频,你的声音在上面播放了30秒,人们就可以克隆你的声音。”

Two years ago, even a year ago, you needed a lot of audio to clone a persons voice,” said Hany Farid, a professor of digital forensics at the University of California at Berkeley. “Now … if you have a Facebook page … or if you’ve recorded a TikTok and your voice is in there for 30 seconds, people can clone your voice.”




Experts say federal regulators, law enforcement and the courts are ill-equipped to rein in the burgeoning scam. Most victims have few leads to identify the perpetrator and it’s difficult for the police to trace calls and funds from scammers operating across the world. And there’s little legal precedent for courts to hold the companies that make the tools accountable for their use.


In June 2022, the FTC recommended Congress pass laws so AI tools do not cause additional harm.


"We're also concerned with the risk that deepfakes and other AI-based synthetic media, which are becoming easier to create and disseminate, will be used for fraud," FTC spokesperson Juliana Gruenwald told Insider.



“生成看似真实的视频、照片、音频和文本的人工智能工具可能会加速这一趋势,让骗子能对更多人、更迅速地实施诈骗”,从冒名顶替骗局和身份盗窃(identity theft),到支付欺诈(payment fraud)和虚假网站创建(fake website creation)。格林沃尔德说,聊天机器人(chatbot)可能会加剧这些趋势。


"The FTC has already seen a staggering rise in fraud on social media," she said. "AI tools that generate authentic-seeming videos, photos, audio, and text could supercharge this trend, allowing fraudsters greater reach and speed," from imposter scams and identity theft to payment fraud and fake website creation. Chatbots could exacerbate these trends, Gruenwald said.




据新华社报道,3月30日,联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)总干事奥德蕾·阿祖莱(Audrey Azoulay)发表声明,呼吁各国尽快实施该组织通过的《人工智能伦理问题建议书》(Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence),为人工智能发展设立伦理标准。

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) called on governments last Thursday to fully and immediately implement its recommendation on the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI).




The recommendation was endorsed by all UNESCO member states in November 2021. It is the first global framework for the ethical use of AI.

It guides countries in maximizing the benefits of AI and reducing the risks it entails. It contains values and principles, and detailed policy recommendations in all relevant areas.


"The world needs stronger ethical rules for artificial intelligence: this is the challenge of our time. UNESCO's recommendation on the ethics of AI sets the appropriate normative framework and provides all the necessary safeguards," UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay said in a press release, “It is high time to implement the strategies and regulations at national level. We have to walk the talk and ensure we deliver on the Recommendation’s objectives.”


According to UNESCO, AI innovations may raise ethical issues, especially discrimination and stereotyping, including the issue of gender inequality. AI may also have a negative impact on the fight against disinformation, the right to privacy, the protection of personal data, and human and environmental rights.


UNESCO’s Recommendation places a Readiness Assessment tool at the core of its guidance to Member States. This tool enables countries to ascertain the competencies and skills required in the workforce to ensure robust regulation of the artificial intelligence sector. It also provides that the States report regularly on their progress and their practices in the field of artificial intelligence, in particular by submitting a periodic report every four years.

声明指出,迄今为止,有40多个国家已经与联合国教科文组织展开合作,依据《建议书》在国家层面制定人工智能规范措施。该组织呼吁所有国家加入这一行动。预计将于今年12月在斯洛文尼亚召开的联合国教科文组织全球人工智能伦理问题论坛(UNESCO Global Forum on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence)上,还将发布相关进展报告。

To this date, more than 40 countries in all regions of the world are already working with UNESCO to develop AI checks and balances at the national level, building on the Recommendation. UNESCO calls on all countries to join the movement it is leading to build an ethical AI. A progress report will be presented at the UNESCO Global Forum on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Slovenia in December 2023.

综合来源:华盛顿邮报, NPR,商业内幕网,新华网,联合国教科文组织



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