
“这不对劲!” 美国“网红”议员发布首个TikTok视频,反对封禁


当地时间3月25日,美国国会民主党籍众议员亚历山德里娅·奥卡西奥-科尔特斯(Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,简称AOC)在TikTok平台上发布了首支视频,公开表示“TikTok不该被禁”。该议员在视频中阐述了她认为美国不该封杀TikTok的原因,并表示美国国会如此兴师动众地去封杀TikTok,让她“感觉不对劲”。↓




Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said TikTok should not be banned in her first video on the app Saturday.

Her video, which has had about 3.7 million views and 673,000 likes, came two days after TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew testified before Congress.






The New York Democrat started her video by saying: "This is not only my first TikTok, but it is a TikTok about TikTok. Do I believe TikTok should be banned? No."





“首先我认为有必要讨论这个举动是多么的史无前例。美国此前从未禁止过一家社交媒体公司在我们的境内运营,” 奥卡西奥-科尔特兹说,“而这是一款拥有超过1.5亿美国用户的应用程序。”


"First of all, I think it's important to discuss how unprecedented of a move this would be. The United States has never before banned a social media company from existence, from operating in our borders," Ocasio-Cortez said. "And this is an app that has over 150 million Americans on it."


"They say because of this egregious amount of data harvesting, we should ban this app. However, that doesn't really address the core of the issue," Ocasio-Cortez said.

这位纽约民主党人指出,像Meta(脸书母公司)这样的大型社交媒体公司也收集了“大量的个人数据(troves of deeply personal data)”。她指出,其本质原因是美国没有“重大数据或隐私保护法(significant data or privacy protection laws)”。




“In fact, the United Sates is one of the only developed nations in the world that has no significant data or privacy protection laws on the books.

The New York Democrat noted that major social media companies like Meta also collect "troves of deeply personal data." She pointed out that the US doesn't have "significant data or privacy protection laws."


The congresswoman also argues that rather than singling out one platform, Congress should create tougher, European-style policies to regulate how social media companies collect and manage data from their users.


"So to me, the solution here is not to ban an individual company — but to actually protect Americans from this kind of egregious data harvesting that companies can do without your significant ability to say no," Ocasio-Cortez said.


She said issues that posed a significant risk to national security usually triggered a classified briefing for Congress, which had not happened.

“我可以告诉你,国会并没有收到,关于指控TikTok涉及国家风险相关的机密简报。所以我们为什么完全不了解情况,就针对如此重大的问题直接提出禁令呢? 我就是感觉不对劲。”

“And I can tell you that Congress has not received a classified briefing around the allegations of national security risks regarding TikTok. So why would we be proposing a ban regarding such a significant issue without being clued in on this at all? It just doesn't feel right to me."


“If we want to make a decision as significant as banning TikTok, and we believe — or someone believes — that there is really important information that the public deserves to know about why such a decision would be justified, that information should be shared,” she says in the video.


Ms. Ocasio-Cortez joins an exceedingly small group of lawmakers all of them progressive Democrats who have broken with their party to support TikTok.

除了奥卡西奥-科尔特斯外,民主党内确实还有其他“进步派”议员也表达了反对封杀TikTok的态度,有人甚至要求拜登拿出明确证据去证明TikTok威胁美国的国家安全,而不要只是煽动排外和反华主义言论(xenophobic anti-China rhetoric)。




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