Researchers at Columbia University in New York have created a 3D printer that makes cheesecake.
迄今为止,大多数3D打印食品都是使用未烹饪的原料制作的。但21日发表在《npj·食品科学》杂志上的一篇研究中,研究人员描述了他们的3D打印机是如何使用全麦饼干(graham cracker)、花生酱(peanut butter)、Nutella牌榛子巧克力酱、香蕉泥(banana puree)、草莓酱(strawberry jam)、樱桃糖浆(cherry drizzle)和糖霜(frosting)这七种原料制作出芝士蛋糕的。
Until now, most 3D-printed foods have been made with uncooked ingredients, the researchers say. But in research published Tuesday in the journal npj Science of Food, the engineers describe how their 3D printer made a cheesecake from seven ingredients: graham cracker, peanut butter, Nutella, banana puree, strawberry jam, cherry drizzle, and frosting.
该研究使用了一台改装后的3D打印机,打印头可以选取七种不同的可食用食物“墨水”来添加到蛋糕上。该研究的首席作者、哥伦比亚大学创意机器实验室的研究员乔纳森·布鲁廷格(Jonathan Blutinger)介绍说。此外,蓝光激光器被用来使芝士蛋糕表面的全麦饼干浆变得金黄酥脆。
A retrofitted, off-the-shelf 3D-printer was used; the printing head could pick up any of the seven food "inks" to add to the slice.
A blue laser was used to brown and crust the top surface of the graham cracker paste, Jonathan Blutinger, the lead author of the study and an engineer at Columbia’s Creative Machines Lab in New York, told USA TODAY.
The final result, "tasted pretty sweet – in more ways than one," Bluntinger said.
布鲁廷格说:“我们选择打印这块芝士蛋糕,因为它是整个蛋糕的一部分,是一种可分享的甜点,人们对它有积极的联想,而且它通常是一种多层结构。尽管如此,我们没有在任何一个食材中加入 ‘芝士’,所以也许我们应该给它重新命名。”
"We chose to print a slice of cheesecake because it's a part of a larger cake, it's a shareable dessert, people have positive associations with it, and it's generally a layered structure," he said. "That being said, we didn't include 'cheese' in any one of the ingredients, so perhaps we should have renamed it."
“The cheesecake is the best thing we can showcase right now, but the printer can do a whole lot more,” said Blutinger. “We can print chicken, beef, vegetables and cheese. Anything that can be turned into a paste, liquid or powder.”
3D-printed food could make foods more customizable – and possibly more nutritious. “With more emphasis on food safety following the COVID-19 pandemic, food prepared with less human handling could lower the risk of foodborne illness and disease transmission," Bluntinger said in a press release describing the research.
美国佩斯大学营养与饮食学教授克里斯汀·库珀(Christen Cooper)则认为,“加工食品的低营养价值是我们面临的一个巨大问题。3D食品打印仍会生产加工食品,但对于一些人来说,能更好地控制和调整营养成分——即个性化营养。同时,这项技术可以模仿真实食物的形状,因此,可以将糊状食物制作成对吞咽障碍患者来说更具吸引力的食品。仅在美国就有数百万这样的患者。”
Is 3D food printing healthy? “We have an enormous problem with the low-nutrient value of processed foods,” Cooper said. “3D food printing will still turn out processed foods, but perhaps the silver lining will be, for some people, better control and tailoring of nutrition--personalized nutrition. It may also be useful in making food more appealing to those with swallowing disorders by mimicking the shapes of real foods with the pureed texture foods that these patients--millions in the U.S. alone--require.”
On every scale, from food manufacturers to restaurants and homes, 3D printers might be the next step in automation, removing more people from the preparation process.
“我们的愿景是把食品打印机和激光烹饪技术融合在一起,成为一种可以一站式满足你所有厨房需求的电器。它就像你的私人数字厨师。” 布鲁廷格说。
“The vision is to have a food printer mixed with a laser cooker that can be a one-stop-shop sort of kitchen appliance. It’s your own personal digital chef.”
He expects restaurants will begin using food printers in the next few years, "for digital gastronomy and one-off food add-ons to class-up a dish or make something aesthetically appetizing."
You'll likely pay more for your first 3D food printer than you did for your air fryer.
When the first ones arrive, perhaps in five years or so, they will likely come in at less than $1,000, Bluntinger said.
综合来源:卫报,今日美国,Columbia Engineering,npj Science of Food