



就此,澳大利亚前总理保罗·基廷(Paul Keating)15日抨击澳政府称,澳美英核潜艇合作是澳工党政府百年来(第一次世界大战以来)“最糟糕的国际决定”, 这一决定不利于澳大利亚自身利益也不利于地区安全。

Former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating said in a National Press Club event last Wednesday that the AUKUS pact with the US and the UK was the worst international decisionby an Australian Labor government since World War I.




当天,基廷出席了澳全国记者协会(National Press Club of Australia)的一场活动。他毫不留情的批评了澳大利亚政府、美国以及英国政府通过煽动“中国威胁论”搞核潜艇的做法。


当记者问他为何如此笃定,基廷嘲讽的答道:“因为我有脑子,我能思考。(Because I got a brain. And I can think.)”


“This is a distortion and it's untrue. The Chinese have never implied that they would threaten us or said it explicitly.”




“China has committed, in the eyes of the United States, the great sin of internationalism. And what is that sin? To develop an economy as big as the United States. That’s the sin,” he said.


他说,中国的经济已发展到与美国相当的规模,没按美国设想的“剧本”发展。美国更乐于让世界上 20% 的人口处于贫困之中,而不希望他们的经济有发展。所以美国要处处针对中国


Keating said the “great sin” China had committed in the eyes of the west was developing its economy to equal the size of the US, suggesting the Americans “would have preferred” 20% of the world population remains in poverty.

“The Americans will never condone or accept a state as large as them. And thats what China presents. They would have preferred that China - 20 per cent of humanity - remained in poverty forever. But the fact that China is now an industrial economy larger than the United States, 20% larger… They say’ hang on, this is not in the playbook. This is not in not in the playbook. What an affront.

基廷表示,“这就是其(澳美英核潜艇合作)真正目的——维护美国在亚洲的战略霸权。” 尽管“这是一个在亚洲本地区内没有土地的国家……亚洲没有美国。(亚洲)距离加州海岸横跨太平洋有1万公里。尽管他们(美国)不是亚洲大国,但却声称自己是,并希望成为亚洲的主要战略大国。



“This is what this is about, its about the maintenance of the U.S. strategic hegemony in Asia. This is a country which has no land in the metropolitan zone of AsiaTheres no U.S. in Asia. It’s 10,000 kilometers across the Pacific to the coast of California. So theyre not a metropolitan Asian power but they claim to be and wish to be the primary strategic power in Asia.

据新华社报道,基廷还在一份书面声明中说,现在的澳工党政府为了“盎格鲁世界”的安全问题而无视亚洲的安全问题(a contemporary Labor government is shunning security in Asia for security in and within the Anglosphere.)。




"Australia is locking in its next half century in Asia as subordinate to the United States, an Atlantic power. We have been here before: Australia’s international interests subsumed by those of our allies. Defence policy substituting for foreign policy."

基廷指出,澳美英核潜艇合作的结果就是,澳大利亚花费巨大给美英两国的防务企业送去支持。花费数千亿澳元造核潜艇去遏制中国,对任何一方都没好处(little  benefit to anybody)。

The result is that through AUKUS, Australia is providing expensive support to the UK and US defence companies. 

综合来源:","time":1679303865718,"comment":"https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/eFZll9-9y5CGsMJoTG_9-w \nhttp://www.news.cn/2023-03/16/c_1129434287.htm","avatar":"","editting":false,"resume":[],"data-comment-id":"comment_id_1679303767514"}">新华社,环球时报,南华早报,英国天空新闻网


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