


综合《国家地理》、Live Science网站报道,一艘游轮的乘客们在南极半岛海岸附近潜水时,拍摄到了“幽灵”般的巨型深海水母。报道称,这种深海生物看起来像UFO宇宙飞船,底部拖着厚厚的丝带,游荡在海里……↓





据报道,针对这种水母的一项新研究于今年1月30日发表在《极地研究》(Polar Research)杂志上。


研究显示,2022年年初,“维京远征号”的游客们在用潜水器潜水时拍下了这种水母。之后,游客向游轮上的海洋生物学家、该研究的第一作者丹尼尔·摩尔(Daniel M. Moore)展示了影像。摩尔立刻就认出来了是什么。他还表示,能够目击到这种生物十分罕见。

据了解,这种巨型水母的学名叫冥河水母(Stygiomedusa gigantea), 是最大的深海无脊椎动物捕食者之一。研究人员估计游客拍下来的水母有近5米长,其中一只连触手体长至少达10米。



Rare sightings of giant phantom jellyfish deep-sea creatures that look like UFO spaceships with thick ribbons streaming from their undersides have been reported by cruise liner passengers who spotted the otherworldly animals off the coast of Antarctica, a new study published on Jan. 30 in the journal Polar Research shows.

The giant jellyfish, or Stygiomedusa gigantea, one of the deep sea's largest invertebrate predators, met the guests while they were riding in a submersible deployed by cruise line operator Viking in early 2022.

Researchers estimated that the jellyfish were longer than 16 feet, with one stretching to at least 33 feet in length, according to a study published Jan. 30 in the journal Polar Research.

Study first author Daniel Moore, a marine biologist and one of Viking's chief scientists, first realized guests had encountered the giant phantom when he saw a picture of one on a guest's camera. "I instantly recognized it for what it was and, given the rarity of sightings, was flooded with excitement," Moore told Live Science in an email.


Giant Phantom jellyfish live in every ocean except for the Arctic Ocean. However, because these cryptic creatures typically swim deep below the surface, they are scarcely seen by humans.


The 2022 encounters with giant phantom jellyfish are already changing what we know about this mystical deep-water species, Moore adds—particularly the breadth of its ocean habitat. Phantom jellyfish are usually found at nearly 22,000 feet, but these animals were swimming in waters of between 260 and 900 feet.




Surprisingly, the first jellyfish sighting was not a one-off. Just a week later, in late January 2022, a different group of tourists also saw a phantom jellyfish, followed by one more, in mid-March. In the most recent tourist season, between October 2022 and January 2023, submersibles have spotted seven or eight more.

不过,科学家们对这些巨型无脊椎动物仍然知之甚少。它们生活在极地海洋黑暗、寒冷的半深海带(也叫“午夜区”midnight zone),据信,它们用波浪状的带状手臂捕捉和捕食浮游生物和小鱼。

Scientists still know very little about these giant invertebrates, which dwell in the polar oceans' dark, cold midnight zone and are believed to use their undulating, ribbon-like arms to capture and prey on plankton and small fish.


The phantom jellyfish has been observed with a small fishcalled a pelagic brotula, or Thalassobathia pelagica—living alongside it. In this mutually beneficial relationship, the fish receives shelter and protection in return for keeping the jellyfish disease-free by eating any parasites that attach to it.


As for why the large jellyfish are showing up in shallower Antarctic waters, Moore speculates they could be carried by currents, or perhaps come up from the depths to expose themselves to the sun to rid themselves of any additional parasites.

由于很难抵达且成本很高,南极48米(160英尺)以下的水域尚未被充分开发。如今,随着私人潜水器能够下降到300米(1000英尺)左右,“你可能是有史以来第一个看到海底特定区域的人” ,摩尔说。

Antarctic waters below 160 feet havent yet been well explored because they are so difficult and expensive to reach. Now, with private submersibles descending to around a thousand feet, you might be the first human ever to see a particular patch of seabed,” Moore says.


Personal submersibles are free-roaming vehicles that hold a pilot and six guests. They’re outfitted with probes and sophisticated cameras, allowing guests to take photos and video.


当地时间2022年11月23日,荷兰,豪华潜水器公司U-Boat Worx公布了其三人超级潜艇的最新设计。这艘超豪华潜水器的额定深度为300米,是目前世界上最具流动动力的潜水器。图源:视觉中国



Such cruise expeditions are priced at tens of thousands of dollars a person, making them available to a very small group of individuals, says Paris Stefanoudis, a marine biologist at the University of Oxford. He says, “You have to face that fact: Not everyone can use [or afford] them.”

综合来源:国家地理、Live Science网,央视网,Polar Research


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