




The White House does not object to allowing athletes from Russia or Belarus from taking part in the 2024 Summer Games and 2026 Winter Games — as long as it is "absolutely clear" that they are not representing their home countries, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Thursday.





She reiterated that current sanctions against Russia and Belarus must remain in place.

"In cases where sports organizations and event organizers, such as the International Olympic Committee, choose to permit athletes from Russia and Belarus to participate in supporting events, it should be absolutely clear that they are not representing the Russian or Belarusian states," Jean-Pierre said, adding that the use of any official Russian or Belarusian flags, emblems or anthems should be prohibited.


The White House's comments come after the International Olympic Committee outlined a multi-step plan for Russian and Belarusian athletes to participate at the upcoming games as neutrals, which has drawn public outcry from Kyiv.





The International Olympic Committee (IOC) outlined a multi-step plan for Russian and Belarusian athletes to participate at the upcoming 2024 Summer Games in Paris and the 2026 Winter Games in Milan.

“No athlete should be prevented from competing just because of their passport,” the IOC’s executive board declared.



In order for Russian and Belarusian athletes to compete, they would represent as “neutral athletes and in no way represent their state or any other organisation in their country,” the IOC said.

“No flag, anthem, colours or any other identifications whatsoever of these countries being displayed at any sports event or meeting, including the entire venue.”


据塔斯社2月1日报道,1月26日,乌克兰奥委会主席瓦迪姆·古泽特(Vadim Gutzeit)在脸书平台发文称,如果不延长俄罗斯和白俄罗斯人参加国际体育比赛的禁令,乌克兰奥委会不排除拒绝参加奥运会的可能性。

2月1日,俄罗斯体育部长奥列格·马蒂岑(Oleg Matytsin)表示,像古泽特的这种威胁抵制奥运会的言论“极具破坏性”,会损害国际体育运动。

The statement of President of the National Olympic Committee (NOC) of Ukraine Vadim Gutzeit about a possible boycott of the 2024 Paris Olympics is destructive and harms international sport, Russian Sports Minister Oleg Matytsin told reporters on Wednesday.

On January 26, Vadim Gutzeit, Ukraine's Youth and Sports Minister and president of the country's NOC, said on his Facebook page that the Ukrainian NOC had not ruled out refusing to take part in the Olympics if the ban on Russians and Belarusians participating in international competitions was not extended.

俄罗斯奥委会主席波兹尼亚科夫(Stanislav Pozdnyakov)2月2日重申,俄罗斯运动员应该被允许在与其他国家运动员平等的条件下参加国际比赛,不应附加任何条件或限制。




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