据路透社等外媒1月29日报道,近日,美国空军四星上将麦克·米尼汉(Mike Minihan)在向下属分发的一封公务便笺中称,他猜测“中美将于两年内开战”。对此,美国五角大楼回应称,这一言论不代表官方看法。
A four-star U.S. Air Force general said in a memo that his gut told him the United States would fight China in the next two years, comments that Pentagon officials said were not consistent with American military assessments.
1月31日,美国脱口秀主持人吉米·多尔(Jimmy Dore)在福克斯新闻节目中谈及此事时表示,美上将的这一臆测是在“挑起战争(provoking the war),而从中获益的是美国的军工复合体(military industrial complex)。↓
“We are the one that’s provoking this war, just like we provoked a war in Ukraine. We're now provoking a war with China.”
“谁会从中受益?我现在就告诉你,我们的敌人不是中国,我们的敌人不是俄罗斯,我们的敌人是军工复合体,他们从这个国家诈取了数千亿乃至数万亿美元。” 吉米·多尔说。
“Who benefits? I'll tell you right now, your enemy is not China, your enemy is not Russia. Your enemy is the military industrial complex which has been fleecing this country to the tunes of hundreds of billions and trillions of dollars.”
“The war machine can not be stopped. Who is running the country? The war machine. It certainly isn't Joe Biden making the decisions. I would like to know who is making the decisions.”
“I just want to remind everybody, the United States is the world's terrorists. We just set the Middle East on fire the last 20 years. And now we're doing a proxy war in Ukraine, which we provoked, NATO provoked. And now we're trying to sabre-rattle this with China, and they're ‘predicting a war’ again.”
“Again, China 's not gonna invade us. China is not our enemy. ”
“In Ukraine, it's about liquefied natural gas and making sure Germany and Russia never come together. Because we fear Russia natural resources and man power, and we fear them getting together with Germany with their technology and capital. That's why we blew up the Nordstream pipeline that's why we're doing the Ukraine war. This is all about hegemony, imperialism and economics.”
“And if there is a Marine somewhere, it's there because they're stealing natural resources from another country. As everybody is screaming about what a bad guy Putin is for invading Ukraine. The United States is currently occupying a third of Syria. And which third is that? It's the third that has the oil. ”
2月1日,吉米·多尔在推特上分享了这一节目视频,并在文中表示感谢福克斯新闻允许自己发声,他曾希望在CNN、 美国广播公司等其他美媒上发表观点,却均被拒绝。他还呼吁“我们必须团结起来,阻止战争机器(We’re going to have to come together to stop the war machine)。”