







The midterm elections are less than 60 days away, and Biden’s travel to Boston is his latest effort.

US President Biden on Monday bemoaned the state of U.S. airports as he touted the ways a bipartisan infrastructure law passed last year would help upgrade terminals, improve the passenger experience and reduce emissions.

Biden, at the airport, stressed the importance of competing with other countries like China in addition to rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure.

据CNN报道,拜登在演讲中又提及中国,“我们国家正在冒着将自身优势输给中国的风险,而世界其他国家却在迎头赶上。 随后他又自吹自擂道,“凭借我们今天在这里庆祝的这笔投资,现在这种情况已经停止了!”

“We risk losing our edge as nation to China, and the rest of the world is catching up. That stops now, with investments like we’re celebrating here today,” Biden said.

据《国会山报》报道,拜登表示,政府最近已宣布投资6200万美元用于洛根国际机场的翻新改建。 拜登说,这些投资将创造近6000个就业机会,并将有助于增加机场的售票柜台,减少乘客转机时间,减少飞机在停机坪上闲置的时间,并减少排放。

Biden highlighted a $62 million investment in Logan Airport through the infrastructure law. The funding will be used to modernize the international terminal of the airport and to improve roadways that keep planes circulating.


The investments will create nearly 6,000 jobs, Biden said, and will help add more ticket counters in the airport, cut down time for passengers trying to make connections and reduce the time planes spend idling on the tarmac, cutting emissions in the process.



“Folks, America invented modern aviation, but we’ve allowed our airports to lag behind our competitors. Today — today, not a single, solitary American airport — not one — ranks in the top 25 in the world. The United States of America, not one airport ranks in the top 25 in the world. What in the hell is the matter with us? “



“It means commerce. It means income. It means security. And we don’t even rank in the top 25. Not one single airport.”













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