


“如果你看到我,就哭吧(If you see me, then weep)。” 在捷克易北河(the Elbe River)里深埋的“饥饿之石”上,刻着这样一句警示语。



据《卫报》、路透社等媒体报道,今年入夏以来,欧洲多国遭遇“500年来最严重的干旱”,随着一些河流水位不断降低,大量 “饥饿之石”裸露出来。此外,因干旱“重见天日”的还有罗马军营遗迹、村庄遗址和二战时的沉船残骸……




Wenn du mich siehst, dann weine (“If you see me, then weep”), reads the grim inscription on a rock in the Elbe River near the northern Czech town of Děčín, close to the German border.


As Europe’s rivers run dry in a devastating drought that scientists say could prove the worst in 500 years, their receding waters are revealing long-hidden artefacts, from Roman camps to ghost villages and second world war shipwrecks.






The so-called “hunger stone” at Děčín is one of dozens in central European rivers engraved to mark their levels during historic droughts – and warn future generations of the famine and hardship likely to follow each time they became visible.


据路透社报道,近几周,在德国莱茵河(the River Rhine)等德国最大的河流两岸,也露出了许多用于警告极低水位的“饥饿之石”。


Memories of past droughts have also been rekindled in Germany by the reappearance of so-called "hunger stones" along the River Rhine. Many such stones have become visible along the banks of Germany's largest river in recent weeks.






Bearing dates and people's initials, their re-emergence is seen by some as a warning and reminder of the hardships people faced during former droughts. Dates visible on stones seen in Worms, south of Frankfurt, and Rheindorf, near Leverkusen, included 1947, 1959, 2003 and 2018.


欧洲另一条大河——多瑙河(the Danube)的水位,也因干旱降至了近一个世纪以来的最低水平。在塞尔维亚港口城市普拉霍沃附近,20多艘二战期间沉没的德国战舰残骸裸露出来。这些战舰被证实属于纳粹德国黑海舰队。1944年,在多瑙河上,纳粹德国的黑海舰队从不断推进的苏联军队中撤退,数百艘船只在多瑙河上搁浅。


Global News视频截图


Another of Europe's mighty rivers, the Danube, has fallen to one of its lowest levels in almost a century as a result of the drought, exposing the hulks of more than 20 German warships sunk during World War Two near Serbia's river port town of Prahovo.


The vessels were among hundreds scuttled along the Danube by Nazi Germany's Black Sea fleet in 1944 as they retreated from advancing Soviet forces, and still hamper river traffic during low water levels.


此外,意大利最长的河流——波河(the River Po)水位降至70年来的最低点。人们在干涸的波河发现了皮埃蒙特时期一个古老村庄的遗迹。此外,七月底,人们在裸露的河床上还发现一枚炸弹。据报道,这枚炸弹重超450公斤,为第二次世界大战期间所留。




Italy’s longest river, the parched Po, whose water level is at a 70-year low, has yielded the remains of an ancient hamlet in Piedmont. In late July, a previously submerged 450-kg (1,000-pound) World War Two bomb was discovered in the low-running waters.




In Spain, suffering its worst drought in decades, archaeologists have been delighted by the emergence of a prehistoric stone circle that is usually covered by the waters of a dam. Officially known as the Dolmen of Guadalperal but dubbed the Spanish Stonehenge, the circle of dozens of megalithic stones is believed to date back to 5000 BC.







Europe could be experiencing its worst drought in 500 years, a leading scientist has warned.


据新华每日电讯报道,热浪和干旱不仅影响了人们的日常生活和生态环境,还给欧洲的经济和民生带来了不小的挑战。权威机构、专家学者和舆论认为,这再次敲响了气候变化在加剧的警钟。 世界气象组织预计,由于人类活动造成的气候变化,未来高温热浪将成为常见现象,其中欧洲地区的温度将比其他地区上升得更快。





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