

国际妇女节(International Women's Day)到来之际,联合国日内瓦办事处邀请全球杰出女性代表送上节日祝福。中国航天员王亚平在中国空间站发回视频,向全球女性致以节日祝福:“在此,祝愿世界各国的女性同胞们国际妇女节快乐!(Hereby, I wish ladies from all over the world Happy International Women's Day.)” ↓


In honor of International Women's Day, Chinese astronaut Wang Yaping sent a message to the women of the world from the Chinese space station.


“Space has never changed its environment or lowered its threshold because of the arrival of women. There is already a lot of flight data telling us, there were no significant differences in the ability of the sexes.”


“We can all complete the same training and assessment. And many physical and psychological characteristics of women can play an advantage in space, being complementary to male astronauts. This is extremely helpful for successfully completing the challenges posed by tight-space, long duration missions.”


“With the advancement of aerospace technology and the development of commercial
aerospace, it has become increasingly common for women to participate in spaceflight. I hope all girls with space dreams guard your vision of going to the sea of stars. One day, before you know it, when you look up, you will see that your dream is already within reach.”


“It is conceivable that more and more women will participate in manned spaceflight missions. It will have a very important impact on the large-scale and long-term human exploration of space in the future. It will make our careers in space exploration develop flourishly and sustainably. This also helps to encourage women to pursue their dreams bravely and achieve a wonderful life.”



“Ladies, although our nationalities, ethnicities and occupations are different, but women all over the world are making the world more vibrant, and more harmonious and warmer through their own efforts.”


“I would like to take this opportunity to thank every female for their selfless dedication. I also wish every female would pick the brightest stars for the lives and careers we love in our own starry sky.”


来源:CMS, 央视新闻

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