



美国马里兰州的一位母亲詹妮弗·格林(Jennifer Greene)称,自己12岁的女儿在校拍了一组学生照,然而她发现,学校聘请的摄影公司Lifetouch竟提供有偿P图服务,另附12美元,就可以给小朋友P掉雀斑、美白牙齿、调节肤色等。


A Maryland mother was 'shocked' after finding out that the company in charge of taking her daughter's school pictures was urging parents to pay an extra $12 fee for portrait “retouching” services — including teeth whitening, skin-tone evening and blemish removal.

Jennifer Greene, a travel blogger and social media administrator, said she was concerned about the effect that the services could have on her 12-year-old daughter Madeline.

'I completely disagree with it,' she told The New York Post. 'It's teaching kids that they need to look perfect all the time and that they can change with the click of a mouse.'


Retouching options on school portraits aren’t new — but they’re now being offered to students as young as pre-K and are becoming as ubiquitous as face-altering filters on social media, which have triggered a spike in anxiety and depression in teen girls.

去年年底,另一位来自佛罗里达州的母亲、摄影师克里斯汀·洛恩斯(Kristin Loerns)也遇到了类似的情况。当她收到儿子在学校的照片时,儿子脸上的雀斑都不见了。




Tampa mother and photographer Kristin Loerns went through a similar situation with Lifetouch in November 2020. When she received her son Kieran's school pictures, his freckles were nowhere to be seen in the little boy's face.

'I gave permission for 'basic retouching,' which would be removing blemishes, and they removed all of his freckles instead,' she told The Post.


惠特尼·罗斯(Whitney Rose)是一位听力受损幼儿的母亲,她近日在TikTok上分享了一段视频,愤怒地表示,自己3岁儿子的助听器被另一家摄影公司从学校的照片上p掉了。这段视频收获了220万的点击量。



Whitney Rose, a mom of two hearing-impaired toddlers, told The Post that she believes a photographer from a different company erased her 3-year-old son’s hearing aids from his school picture. Her outrage over the apparent offense garnered 2.2 million views on TikTok.

“These are my son’s hearing aids. They help him hear, they’re a part of who he is and he likes them,” Rose said on her TikTok account, @TheseDeafKidsRock.“It’s sending a message to him that part of who he is, his hearing loss, is something he should be ashamed of.”

不过,一位拍摄学生照片超10年的专业肖像摄影师海蒂·格林(Heidi Green)表示,追求完美的其实往往是家长, “这些家长觉得只有把瑕疵p掉,学生照才好看。或者想让自己的孩子看起来更好。”

But Manhattan mom Heidi Green — an event and professional portrait photographer who spent 10 years snapping school pictures — said it is often parents who are pushing for perfection.“The parent feels like they had to get [the flaw] fixed in order to enjoy the school picture, or to make the child look better,”she said.

海蒂说,在标准的照片后期处理和破坏性的p图之间,有一条微妙的界限——尤其是当人们认为的“不完美”是永久性的时候。比如,p掉永久性的伤疤,“对我来说,p掉永久性的伤疤就好比说,‘你能把我孩子的眼睛变成蓝色吗? ’ (我不懂)为什么想让你的孩子看起来和现实生活中的不一样呢?”

Green said there’s a fine line between standard photo editing and damaging retouching — particularly if the perceived imperfection is permanent.“Removing a permanent scar to me would be like saying, ‘Can you make my child’s eyes blue?’” Green added. “Because why would you want your kid to look in the picture like they don’t look in real life?”


Still, Green says not all edits are sinister. She has long offered free-of-charge retouches for children whose pictures showed visible scratches, blemishes, messy hair from playing or eyeglass glare. Some changes, like minor teeth whitening, are part of the overall photo-editing process.

纽约大学朗格尼医学中心(NYU Langone)的儿童心理学家亚马尔里斯·迪亚兹(Yamalis Diaz)表示,像这些轻微的修饰,孩子们不会注意到。令人担忧的是,当孩子发现,自己在照片中永久性的特征发生改变,不再反映他们在镜子中看到的自己。马尔里斯认为,这会导致孩子自卑、焦虑、抑郁、饮食失调、躯体障碍等问题。


That type of minor retouching is something children won’t notice, said Yamalis Diaz, a child psychologist at NYU Langone. What is concerning is when a child learns that their permanent characteristics have been changed in a photo — and no longer reflect what they see in the mirror.

“Could that start to make them feel inadequate? … Can that lead to some anxiety and depressed mood, eating disorders, body dysmorphia? Absolutely,” Diaz said.

Unlike adults, children are in an “evolution” stage of understanding themselves — and something as simple as messing with a school picture can be damaging.“Instead of accepting your physical characteristics, your disability, your features, your appearance, you’re supposed to be fixing it or hiding it,” Diaz said. “And that is a dangerous message to send.”


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