

“I would describe the rise of China as the most important and remarkable economic development in human history.”

这是知名中国问题专家、英国教授马丁·雅克(Martin Jacques)4月9日在YouTube个人频道所发视频中的一句话。在这段面向西方观众的视频中,他探讨了“为什么西方对中国如此无知”等话题。

马丁·雅克表示,中国从硬实力到软实力的崛起有目共睹:“目前中国在经济层面几乎已与美国 ‘平起平坐’。实际上,就其经济规模和覆盖范围而言,中国已经超过美国。我们也可以看到中国在各方面对世界的影响力都在上升。”


“China is already more or less on a par with the United States economically. It’s actually in terms of the size and reach, is already overtaken the United States.” Martin Jacques said in the video, “We can also see that how China’s influence in the world is in all sorts of ways is growing.” 



“China is never going to be ‘western’ and the west finds this impossible to believe or understand.” Martin pointed out, “ ‘The world will become and should be like us. We are the template, we are the model.’ As a result, the level of understanding in the west about China,  not least (from) the elites is abysmal.”

关于西方对中国的态度,马丁·雅克在2010年的TED伦敦沙龙会演讲中也有做精彩分析。他指出,这种态度是一种“小西方人的心态(little Westerner mentality)”,其实就是傲慢(arrogant)加上无知(ignorant):


“It's arrogant in the sense that we think that we are best, and therefore we have the universal measure. And secondly, it's ignorant. We refuse to really address the issue of difference.”

“The West thinks of itself as probably the most cosmopolitan of all cultures. But it's not. In many ways, it's the most parochial.”



“China has at least 5 periods in the history where it has been the most advanced or one of the most advanced civilizations in the world. And we are seeing a sixth period now, which is happening under the Chinese Communist party. It’s very capable of reinventing itself. So China has great strength.





综合来源:参考消息, TED

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