

当地时间18日,欧洲议会议员米克·华莱士(Mick Wallace)在推特发布了一段自己在欧洲议会安全和国防委员会上的发言,并在配文中写道,“美国遏制中国崛起的努力持续加剧,近乎歇斯底里。可悲的是,欧盟仍然支持美帝国主义。中国的军费开支是‘国防导向的’,只有美国军费的三分之一。中国40年来没有轰炸过任何人,而美国每天都在轰炸别国……”

Mick Wallace, a member of the European Parliament, commented on U.S. military spending and its efforts to contain the rise of China in a panel at the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Security and Defense on Friday. 




“I also look forward to a discussion on the colossal military spending, wars of aggression, never-ending bombing campaigns, and regime change wars, murder of millions of people, and funding of terrorists by our ally, the United States, who in 2020 accounted for 39 percent of global military expenditure, while China's military spending was less than a third of that in 2020.” 

“While it is certainly true that China is playing catch up militarily. It is fair to say that is a response to very aggressive posturing by the U.S. in particular.”

“We have U.S. warships in the South China sea and countless U.S. bases surround China on nearly every side. And it should be noted that there are no Chinese navy ships in the Gulf of Mexico.”


"China has not bombed anybody in the last 40 years. If you study what the Chinese are spending their money on, you would have to agree that their policy has been one of defense rather than offense."



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