

据CNN报道,当地时间6月8日,涉嫌跪杀美国非裔男子乔治·弗洛伊德的明尼阿波利斯前警察德雷克·肖万(Derek Chauvin)通过视频出席了首个法庭听证会。目前他被指控二级谋杀和二级故意杀人罪。

德雷克·肖万 图源:CNN



Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin appeared virtually in a Minneapolis court Monday, where the Judge Jeannice Reding granted prosecutor’s motion to set unconditional bail at $1.25 million, or $1 million with conditions.

Those conditions include not to leave the Minnesota and no contact with George Floyd’s family. He would also need to waive extradition upon his release.

The defense did not object to the prosecutor’s bail proposal.  

Chauvin — who pressed his knee on George Floyd's neck for nearly nine minutes — was arrested last month and charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. Last week, prosecutors added a second-degree murder charge.






A majority of the Minneapolis City Council agreed Sunday to dismantle the city's police department after the in-custody killing of George Floyd.


当地市政委员会主席丽莎•本德尔(Lisa Bender)当天在集会上表示,13名成员中,有8、9个人支持了这项提议:“我们承诺结束明尼阿波利斯市当前与警察局的‘有毒(toxic)’的关系,结束我们已知的治安方式,并与我们的社区一起,重建一种能切实保障社区安全的公共安全新模式。”

“Our commitment is to end our city’s toxic relationship with the police department, to end policing as we know it”,speaking earlier during a community meeting, council President Lisa Bender called the city's relationship with the department "toxic" and vowed to "re-create systems of public safety that actually keep us safe."

Ellison said eight or nine of the council members had agreed to the move.





Protesters have taken to the streets with demands to shrink or abolish police departments, and “defund the police” has become a frequent rallying cry.

Officials in other cities, including New York, have begun to talk of diverting some money and responsibilities from police forces to social services agencies, but no other major city has gone as far in reaction to the protests as the Minneapolis officials have promised to do.

就在前一天(6日),市长雅各布·弗雷(Jacob Frey)因拒绝承诺撤资和废除该市警察局,被聚集在他家门外的抗议者狂嘘“回家去吧!雅各布(Go home Jacob)”,“耻辱(Shame)!”……




Mr. Frey said on Sunday that while he opposed dismantling the Police Department, he would “work relentlessly” with the city’s police chief and the community “toward deep, structural reform and addressing systemic racism in police culture.” 


Though the City Council controls the police budget, the department answers to Mayor Jacob Frey, who has a veto over the Council’s actions. Council members said they had enough votes to override a veto by Mr. Frey, who was booed out of a rally by hundreds of people on Saturday after he said he did not believe in abolishing the Police Department. Mr. Frey quietly exited through an angry crowd as many shouted “Go home, Jacob Frey!” and “Shame! Shame!”



US President Donald Trump on Monday sent a clear message during a White House roundtable with members of law enforcement.

"There won't be defunding, there won't be dismantling of our police and there is not going to be any disbanding of our police," he said at the afternoon event.



"We want to make sure we don't have any bad actors in there, and sometimes, you'll see some horrible things like we witnessed recently, but 99 -- I say 99.9, but let's go with 99% of them are great, great people, and they've done jobs that are record setting," Trump said.


Trump added, "I guess you might have some cities will want to try but it's going to be very, very sad situation if they did, because people aren’t gonna be protected."


The president repeated that country's current crime statistics are "among the best numbers we’ve ever had in terms of recorded history."

"There's a reason for less crime, it's because we have great law enforcement. I'm very proud of them," he added.


虽然特朗普夸赞了美国的执法力量,但根据《纽约时报》近日公布的数据,从2013年至2019年,每年都有至少1000名美国人死于警察暴力执法。尽管如此,因过度使用武力而被定罪的警察却极少。美国“警察暴力执法地图(Mapping Police Violence)”组织称,从2013到2019年,99%的执法致死案件没有人被定罪。


American police forces killed three people per day in 2019, for a total of nearly 1,100 killings.

Despite the large number of police killings annually, police are almost never charged for excessive force violations. Between 2013 and 2019, 99% of killings resulted in no charges, according to Mapping Police Violence.

综合来源:纽约时报,NBC News,观察者网,ABC News,新华网,@海客新闻

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