
残奥会的英文为什么是Paralympic Games?

来源:21世纪英语传媒      2022-03-08
众所周知,残奥会的英文是“Paralympic Games”或“Paralympics”,但paralympics这个词原意是脊髓病患者举行的运动会。

七八十年以前,瘫痪病人的寿命普遍被认为很难超过两年,但偏偏有一个名为路德维希·古特曼(Ludwig Guttmann)的医生坚定着他不同寻常的想法,从英国小村斯托克曼德维尔“试航”,让残奥会最终与奥运会并驾齐驱,用体育改变了无数残疾人的命运。

It's hard to imagine how miserable it could be if someone was paralyzed during the 1940s as the life expectancy for him or her was no more than two years. However, Professor Guttmann, a German-born British neurologist had his own ideas about life expectancy and insisted on the treatment and rehabilitation in his way, which included sports.

1948年伦敦奥运会开幕当天,斯托克·曼德维尔医院16名下肢瘫痪的病人坐在轮椅上拉弓、瞄准,进行了一场射箭比赛。组织这场比赛的正是从德国逃难至英国的神经科医生路德维希·古特曼(Ludwig Guttmann)。他在英国政府的授意下于曼德维尔医院建立了脊柱损伤科,同时为此注入了在当时看来不可思议的个人理想:不只为让那些伤员更舒服地度过所剩不多的时日,而是要让他们有尊严地活得更长久。所以当时路德维希·古特曼(Ludwig Guttmann)就把这个运动命名为“Paralympic Games”。这个词由paraplegic(半身瘫痪的)和Olympic组合而来。

The British government asked Guttmann to establish a Spinal Injuries Unit at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital in 1943. The patients under his care began playing bowls on wheelchairs with broomsticks on the ward, then an archery competition on the very day of the opening ceremony of the 1948 London Olympic Games. When 16 paraplegic patients drew their bows on wheelchairs at Stoke Mandeville in England more than 70 years ago, they were just fighting for a better and longer life.



Twelve years later, the Mandeville originated Games was held abroad for the first time and was in the Olympics venue immediately after the Olympic Games. The 1960 Games in Rome was then recognized as the first Paralympic Games.




在2021年12月3日的国际残疾人日,联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(António Guterres)说:

As the world recovers from the pandemic, we must ensure that the aspirations and rights of persons with disabilities are included and accounted for in an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post COVID-19 world. This vision will only be achieved through active consultation with persons with disabilities and their representative organizations.





The fall paralyzed the old man from the waist down. 这一跤摔得老人腰部以下瘫痪了。

The storm has paralyzed the airport. 暴风雪使机场陷入瘫痪状态。

be paralyzed with fear 被吓蒙;被吓瘫


He is receiving emergency treatment. 他在接受急救。

This book’s treatment of modern urban life is detailed and realistic. 本书对现代都市生活的论述详尽而真实。

sewage treatment 污水处理

We didn’t ask for any special treatment. 我们没有要求任何特殊待遇。


physical/mental disability 生理/心理缺陷

children with severe learning disabilities 有严重学习障碍的儿童

Public places in China are becoming more accessible to people with disabilities. 在中国,公共场所越来越方便残障人士出入。

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