

来源:新华网, Chinadaily微信公众号



Wuhan will open travel to outside the city on April 8, with other parts of Hubei province ending their lockdown on Wednesday, according to a government announcement.

图源:中国日报 摄影 朱兴鑫


The provincial government said on Tuesday areas other than Wuhan will restore outbound traffic on Wednesday and people will need to show a health code — a digital health certificate issued by the province — when leaving the province.

3月24日,在武汉西高速收费站交通卡点,返汉车辆排队等候入城(无人机照片) 新华社记者 才扬 摄 图源:新华网


Wuhan will continue stringent traffic control until April 8. However, starting on Wednesday, migrant workers in Wuhan who hold a "green" health code and wish to return to work outside the city could be transported in groups directly to their destinations after passing a nucleic acid test for novel coronavirus, according to the announcement. Other travelers with a "green" health code will be able to leave the city on April 8.


People from other provinces will be able to travel within the province with the health code issued by their original provincial regions without the need to present other certificates.


The opening time of school, including colleges, kindergartens and vocational institutions, is still postponed and will be set at a later time, it said.


The provincial government urged all localities to strictly prevent risks brought by the increase of population flow and gatherings and properly respond to imported risks. It also asked to refine work arrangements to ensure safe and orderly traffic, and actively promote the resumption of work and production to minimize losses and restore normal economic and social development as soon as possible.


On Jan. 23, Wuhan declared unprecedented traffic restrictions, including suspending the city's public transport and all outbound flights and trains, in an attempt to contain the epidemic within its territory. 

1月23日在武汉地铁汪家墩站出口拍摄的地铁停运通告 新华社记者 肖艺九 摄 图源:新华网


新华社记者 赵军 摄 图源:新华网


Wuhan resumed a total of 117 bus routes starting Wednesday.

3月25日,在武昌火车站综合体站始发的首趟518路公交车上,安全员熊伟望着窗外路边的樱花。当日起,武汉市部分公交车恢复开行。新华社记者 沈伯韩 摄 图源:新华网


Passengers must wear masks, register with their names and scan a QR code, and take a temperature check before taking buses and subways. To minimize the infection risk, people who are vulnerable to the virus including those aged above 65 are not encouraged to take public transportation.

当天在武汉汉口火车站的公交车站拍摄的准备出发的公交车(无人机照片)新华社记者 才扬 摄 图源:新华网


3月23日,在汉江重工有限公司生产车间,工人在进行生产作业。新华社记者 谢剑飞摄  图源:新华网


综合来源:新华网, Chinadaily微信公众号


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