

这两天,美国的一位星巴克咖啡师小哥乐宁•古铁雷斯(Lenin Gutierrez)火了。起因是,某一天上班时他拒绝为一位不戴口罩的女顾客服务。

结果,这名叫做安布尔•林恩•吉尔斯(Amber Lynn Gilles)的女顾客给古铁雷斯拍了张照片,并上传至网络。

“Meet lenen (世纪君注:此处原文为女顾客吉尔斯误拼) from Starbucks who refused to serve me cause I’m not wearing a mask. Next time I will wait for cops and bring a medical exemption.”


A Starbucks barista who was publicly shamed by a customer after asking her to wear a face mask has received over $100,000 in virtual tips after a Facebook post that criticized him went viral.

“Meet lenen from Starbucks who refused to serve me cause I’m not wearing a mask,” The customer Amber Lynn Gilles wrote. “Next time I will wait for cops and bring a medical exemption.”

The post, which has been shared more than 47,000 times, generated in excess of 133,000 comments, including one that accused her of being a “privileged mess” and others that suggested she direct her ire elsewhere.



图源:Facebook 视频


Lenin Gutierrez, 24, was working his usual shift at a San Diego Starbucks on a Monday morning when a woman — who was not wearing a mask — walked in and attempted to place an order, he told CNN.

Gutierrez asked her if she had a face mask — but before he was even able to show her company guidelines requiring customers to wear one, the woman flipped him off and "started cursing up a storm," he said.

Then the customer, Amber Lynn Gilles, took a photo of him.

在女顾客的帖子下,有不少网友都对这位咖啡师小哥表示支持,还说要去店里给古铁雷斯一笔特殊的小费。而其中有位与古铁雷斯素昧平生的26岁青年马特•考恩(Matt Cowan) 更是决定要做点什么来帮他一把,因为他认为古铁雷斯“做了正确的事,却受到了欺凌”。



Many people voiced their support for Gutierrez in comments on Gilles' post, with some saying they wish they could visit the coffee shop to give him a special tip.
Among those moved by the post: Matt Cowan.

The 26-year-old, who doesn't know Gutierrez personally, said he was upset that the barista was "being bullied for doing the right thing."

So he decided to start a GoFundMe, which he named "Tips for Lenin Standing Up To A San Diego Karen," to give everyone who wanted to tip Gutierrez a chance to do so virtually.




According to the fundraising page, Gutierrez will receive 100% of the donations and plans to use the money to pursue his dreams of becoming a dancer.

“He also wants to donate to some organizations in the San Diego community,” the post added.



NBC 7 spoke with Amber Lynn Gilles and she said she had even received death threats from total strangers.

“I never threatened him, I just called him out on his actions,” Gilles said. “I never threatened him; and I’ve received death threats, thousands, it’s very upsetting. It’s very scary.”


Face coverings are mandatory inside businesses in San Diego County. Public Health officials said businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone not complying with the public health order. Medical conditions that would be inhibited by face masks are one of the few exemptions to wearing face masks.

综合来源:CNN New York Post NBC

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