






The 27th General Conference on Weights and Measures last Friday introduced four new prefixes to the International System of Units, or metric system: ronna (27 zeroes after the first digit) and quetta (30 zeroes), which are now at the top of the measurement range, and ronto (27 zeroes after the decimal point) and quecto (30 zeroes), which are now at the bottom.


“Most people are familiar with prefixes like milli- as in milligram. But these are prefixes for the biggest and smallest levels ever measured,” Dr Richard Brown, head of Metrology at the U.K.’s National Physical Laboratory who proposed the four new prefixes, told The Associated Press.


“In the last 30 years, the datasphere has increased exponentially, and data scientists have realized they will no longer have words to describe the levels of storage,” he explained. Brown said the new terms also make it easier to describe things scientists already know about.

据NPR报道,此前,最大的单位为yotta,即数字后带24个零。在描述地球重量时,可以用6000 yottagrams(即yotta词头+gram克)。现在,则可以用6 ronnagrams来表示。太阳的重量可以用 2000 quettagrams来描述,不再需要以前的 2,000,000,000 yottagrams。

Yotta (24 zeroes) was the largest prefix in the metric system before the new additions. Now, the Earth's mass can be said to be about 6 ronnagrams rather than 6,000 yottagrams. The sun can be said to be about 2,000 quettagrams rather than 2,000,000,000 yottagrams.

这张美国航天局2015年7月23日公布的效果图显示的是地球(左)和太阳系外行星开普勒-452b。 新华社发

ronto 和quecto将用于量子科学和粒子物理学。例如电子的质量为1 rontogram,而不再用此前最小计量单位的0.001 yotcograms。

The prefixes for small numbers (ronto and quecto) will be useful for quantum science and particle physics. An electron's mass can be said to be about 1 rontogram rather than 0.001 yoctograms (the smallest prefix before the new additions).


The new terms take effect immediately, marking the first time since 1991 that any new additions have been made.




He explained how the new names were not chosen at random: The first letter of the new prefixes had to be one not used in other prefixes and units.“There were only the letters ‘r’ and ‘q’ that weren’t already taken. Following that, there’s a precedent that they sound similar to Greek letters and that big number prefixes end with an ‘a’ and smaller numbers with an ‘o,’” he added.



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