
马斯克抱着水槽进入推特大楼刷屏外媒,他说的let that sink in到底啥意思?




 他还在推特上写道:“进入推特总部——把这个水槽放进去(let that sink in)。”


Elon Musk, the billionaire poised to acquire Twitter later this week, strolled into the company’s headquarters Wednesday carrying a porcelain sink and tweeting “Entering Twitter HQ - let that sink in!”




根据剑桥词典,sink in的解释为:(事实或想法)逐渐被完全理解,被充分意识到。属于非正式表达。


其他词典给出的解读也相似,sink in主要表达的意思在于“理解(understand)”、“明白(know)”。


而作为英文俚语,《词典》网站这样解读Let that sink in:

作为习语,Let that sink in通常紧跟一份表态,要求这一表态得到恰当对待,以便他人可以充分理解、认识。

Let that sink in is an idiom used immediately after a statement to urge that it be properly considered so that it can be fully understood and appreciated.


When someone uses the phrase, it typically indicates that they think the information they have just communicated is extremely surprising, interesting, or consequential.

结合马斯克收购推特的背景,他的这句Let that sink in大约是在说:你品,你细品!

目前,马斯克的推特账号简介也修改为:Chief Twit(推特老板),位置也显示在旧金山的推特总部。


Musk also changed his Twitter profile to refer to himself as “Chief Twit” and his location to Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters.


Musks $44 billion deal to take Twitter private faces a Friday deadline, although the video he posted offered no evidence that the acquisition is complete. Twitter and Musk representatives had no comment on that question, although Twitter did confirm that Musks video tweet was real.

报道称,这段“招摇的视频(splashy video)”属于典型的马斯克风格,也把这位世界首富对推特时断时续的追求重新带回聚光灯下。

The splashy video — a vintage Musk production — also pulled the spotlight back to the world’s richest man and his on-again, off-again pursuit of the social platform.


The Friday deadline to consummate the deal was ordered by the Delaware Chancery Court in early October. It is the latest step in an epic battle during which Musk signed a deal to acquire Twitter, then tried to back out of it, leading Twitter to sue the Tesla CEO to force him to conclude the deal. If the two sides don’t meet the Friday deadline, the next step could be a November trial.




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