





"I have not seen the report you mentioned. I am not aware that it is under what circumstances and on what specific issues the official you mentioned made these remarks."



"Recently I have been hearing some people in the West raising the issue of Chinese 'political propaganda', and I would like to ask what on earth are they referring to? Do they want China to sit idle and do nothing while other countries are braving the pandemic with so many people suffering and the number of casualties climbing higher with each passing day? Or do they think that they can do more and better than China? If that's the case, we would love to see all countries strengthening solidarity and providing more valuable and timely assistance to people suffering and struggling to overcome the pandemic."


"What is undeniably clear is that this outbreak, which caught us by surprise, proves once again in a no less than tragic way that all mankind lives in a community with a shared future. No country is immune from the outbreak. Only through unity and cooperation can we overcome the difficulties together."



"In the face of the pandemic, to help others is to help yourself. The Chinese people will never forget that the international community gave us valuable support and assistance during the most difficult period of China's fight against COVID-19. The Chinese nation is grateful and always reciprocates other's kindness. The Chinese government and people have made arduous efforts and great sacrifices. At present, the situation at home is trending steadily towards a positive direction. While guarding the domestic defense against the pandemic, we are also doing our best to provide assistance to other countries in need. What we want to do, what we are going to do and what we have done is to do our very best to help countries and people in need, and work with the international community to save lives and safeguard public health."




A group of Chinese medical workers arrived at Heathrow Airport in London last Saturday to assist in the fight against COVID-19. The 15-member team from east China's Shandong Province includes six medical experts specializing in disease prevention and control, traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine and psychological counselling, among others.

3月28日,在英国伦敦希斯罗机场,山东省赴英国联合工作组成员携带部分物资抵达。 新华社发(山东工作组供图) 图源:新华网


A team of 14 medical experts from southeast China's Fujian Province departed on a chartered flight to Italy last Wednesday morning to aid the European country's fight against the pandemic. 

3月25日,在意大利米兰马尔奔萨机场,中国第三批赴意大利抗疫医疗专家组成员与意方人员合影。 新华社发  图源:新华网


The experts specialize in respiratory, intensive care, infectious disease, hospital infection control, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and nursing.


这是3月25日在意大利米兰马尔奔萨机场拍摄的与中国第三批赴意大利抗疫医疗专家组成员同机抵达的医疗物资。 新华社发 图源:新华网



3月27日,在马尔代夫维拉纳国际机场,工作人员在搬运抗疫物资。 中国云南省政府援助马尔代夫抗疫物资27日运抵马尔代夫维拉纳国际机场。马尔代夫外长沙希德在交接仪式上对中国政府和人民、特别是云南省政府表示感谢,同时表示愿向中方积极学习借鉴抗疫经验和做法。 新华社发 李翔摄 图源:新华网

这是3月30日在万象拍摄的中国政府援助老挝抗击新冠肺炎物资。 当日,中国政府援助老挝抗击新冠肺炎物资交接仪式在老挝首都万象举行。物资包括医用防护服、口罩、检测试剂盒等,分三批运抵老挝。 新华社发 凯乔 摄 图源:新华网

这是3月22日在埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴国际机场拍摄的中国援助的抗疫物资。 历时10小时飞行,满载着来自中国抗疫物资的埃航货运包机22日上午抵达埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴的国际机场,这是马云公益基金会和阿里巴巴公益基金会捐赠非洲的部分医疗物资,用于支援非洲54国抗击疫情。 新华社记者 王守宝 摄 图源:新华网


Deng Boqing, vice-chairman of the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA) said that China has provided assistance to 89 countries and four international organizations to fight against the novel coronavirus, and a new round of aid implementation programs is currently being prepared.


Deng underscored that China's anti-virus external assistance is the most intensive and wide-ranging emergency humanitarian operation since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, and is highly praised by the international community.


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